ISSN: 2689-7628
Open Journal of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
Research Article       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Organizational Behavior and Academic Excellence: A Study in a Peruvian Intercultural University

Paulo César Callupe Cueva1* and Marina Angelica Porras Rojas2

1National Intercultural University of the Central Jungle Juan Santos Atahualpa, Peru
2Daniel Alcides Carrión National University, Peru

*Corresponding author: Paulo César Callupe Cueva, National Intercultural University of the Central Jungle Juan Santos Atahualpa, Peru, E-mail:
Received: 27 August, 2024 | Accepted: 10 September, 2024 | Published: 11 September, 2024
Keywords: Organizational behavior; Academic excellence; Intercultural University

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Callupe Cueva PC, Porras Rojas MA. Organizational Behavior and Academic Excellence: A Study in a Peruvian Intercultural University. Open J Anal Bioanal Chem. 2024;8(1):017-021. DOI: 10.17352/ojabc.000032

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© 2024 Callupe Cueva PC, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

This study investigates the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence in an intercultural university in Peru. Using a qualitative approach, various aspects of organizational behavior, such as institutional culture, leadership, motivation, and teamwork, and their influence on academic performance in an intercultural context were examined. Data were collected through surveys and interviews with students, faculty, and administrative staff of the selected university. The results show that an inclusive organizational culture, participative leadership, intrinsic motivation, and effective teamwork are key factors for academic excellence in cross-cultural settings. These findings have important implications for university management and the design of policies and programs aimed at improving academic performance and promoting inclusion in intercultural contexts in Peru and beyond.


In today’s educational environment, universities face the challenge of providing quality education that responds to the demands of a globalized world. Academic excellence is a fundamental objective for educational institutions, especially in intercultural contexts, where cultural, linguistic, and social differences require innovative strategies to guarantee student success. In this sense, organizational behavior plays a crucial role, since it directly influences the capacity of institutions to generate an environment conducive to the learning and professional development of their teachers [1,2].

Organizational behavior refers to how individuals and groups interact within an organization, and how these interactions affect the overall performance of the institution (Robbins & Judge, 2013). In the university context, a positive organizational climate, which promotes collaboration, innovation, and professional development, can have a significant impact on academic quality. According to previous studies, the relationship between favorable organizational behavior and the achievement of academic excellence has been documented in various institutions, highlighting the importance of this factor in improving educational processes [3-5].

In the case of intercultural universities, the challenge is even greater, since greater adaptation to the needs of a diverse student body is required. A study carried out by Mendoza and Gómez [6] at an intercultural university in Peru highlights the importance of organizational behavior that promotes equity, inclusion, and respect for cultural differences. This approach not only improves academic quality but also strengthens the sense of belonging and commitment among students and teachers, which, in turn, positively impacts academic results.

The objective of this article is to analyze the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence in an intercultural university in Peru. Specifically, it seeks to identify the organizational factors that influence academic performance and propose strategies to improve the institutional climate and, thereby, achieve higher levels of academic excellence. This analysis is of particular relevance in the Peruvian context, where intercultural universities are called to play a key role in the training of professionals capable of contributing to the development of their communities.

Based on the aforementioned background, this research is justified by the need to understand how organizational behavior can be a catalyst for academic excellence in intercultural environments. Furthermore, it aims to fill a gap in the current literature, since few studies have addressed this topic in the context of intercultural universities in Peru, which highlights the relevance of this study to improve educational management in these environments.


Research design

This study adopts a quantitative approach, with a descriptive-correlational design, which allows analyzing the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence in an intercultural university in Peru. The research was carried out during the year 2024.


The research was carried out in an intercultural university located in the Junín department and region in Peru. This university is characterized by serving students from diverse indigenous and rural communities, with an approach focused on the promotion of interculturality in their educational processes.


The study participants were teachers and students of the intercultural university. A sample of 20 teachers and 40 students were selected through stratified random sampling to guarantee the representation of different faculties and academic areas.

Participant demographics

Teachers: Average age of 40 years, with a range of 30 and 40 years. Approximately 50% of teachers have more than 10 years of experience.

Students: Average age of 23 years, with a range of 20 and 30 years. 60% of students come from rural and indigenous communities.

Population size

The total population of teachers at the university is 84, and that of students amounts to 1080. From this population, a sample size of 60 participants (teachers and students combined) was calculated using a simple random sampling formula, with a level of 95% confidence and a 5% margin of error.

Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Inclusion criteria:

- Teachers with at least two years of experience at the university.

- Students enrolled in at least the second year of their degree.

- Participants who voluntarily agreed to take part in the study and signed the informed consent.

Exclusion criteria:

- Teachers and students who could not participate in the study due to scheduling conflicts or who did not complete the questionnaire in its entirety.

- Students in their first year of studies.

Statistical tools used

To analyze the data, various statistical techniques were used with SPSS software (version X.X). The tools included:

- Descriptive analysis: To evaluate the demographic characteristics of the sample (age, gender, years of experience, etc.).

- Pearson correlation coefficient: To measure the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence.

- Multiple linear regression: To identify the organizational factors that significantly influence academic excellence.

- T-tests for independent samples: To compare groups of teachers and students according to their academic area.

Questionnaire and scoring method

A structured questionnaire was used to measure two main variables:

Organizational behavior: Adapted from the Organizational Climate Questionnaire [1], which measures dimensions such as leadership, communication, motivation, and institutional support. The questionnaire contains 20 items, evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = disagree, 5 = agree).

Academic excellence: A specific questionnaire was designed based on established academic quality standards, with 15 items that measure satisfaction with the teaching process, academic performance, and institutional support. This questionnaire was also evaluated on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = completely dissatisfied, 5 = completely satisfied) [2,7].

Scoring method

- Each item was scored on a scale from 1 to 5. Higher scores indicate a more positive perception of both organizational behavior and academic excellence.

- The total scores for both variables were averaged to obtain a general index of organizational behavior and academic excellence.

- The data were categorized into low, medium, and high levels, according to the scores obtained.

Validity and reliability

A pilot test was carried out with a group of 30 participants to verify the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach’s alpha, obtaining a coefficient of 0.82 for the organizational behavior questionnaire and 0.85 for the academic excellence questionnaire, indicating high reliability.


Participant profile

The profile of the participants is presented below, which includes the demographic characteristics of the teachers and students who participated in the study. The data is broken down by gender, age, and years of experience for teachers, and level of education for students.

As seen in Table 1, 60% of teachers are men, and the most represented group in terms of age is between 30 and 45 years old. Furthermore, 35% of teachers have more than 10 years of experience, which indicates a majority sample of professionals with experience in the educational field.

Quantitative results

Several statistical analyses were conducted to evaluate the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence. For this purpose, analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if there are significant differences in the perception of organizational behavior between groups of teachers and students, and its impact on academic excellence (Table 2).

The results of the ANOVA analysis show that there is a significant difference in perceptions of organizational behavior between the teacher and student groups (F = 4.32, p = 0.035). This indicates that organizational behavior has a differential impact on the perception of academic excellence depending on the group to which the participants belong.

Relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence

Pearson correlation coefficients reveal a moderate positive relationship (r = 0.58) between organizational behavior and academic excellence, suggesting that a positive organizational environment at the university is associated with higher levels of academic performance and student satisfaction.

Qualitative results

In addition to the quantitative data, qualitative interviews were conducted with a subgroup of 10 teachers and 10 students to delve deeper into their perception of organizational behavior and its impact on academic excellence. The main emerging themes of qualitative content analysis are presented below:

  1. Collaboration and teamwork: Teachers mentioned that a collaborative work environment, where the exchange of ideas is encouraged, has a positive impact on their performance and student motivation. One teacher indicated: “The support among colleagues and the openness to discuss new methodologies makes us feel more comfortable and motivated to innovate in our classes.”
  2. Institutional leadership: Both teachers and students highlighted the role of leadership at the university. The interviewees emphasized that participatory leadership that is close to the reality of the university community improves motivation and academic excellence. One student mentioned: “When the authorities are committed to our development, we feel more motivated to work hard.”
  3. Infrastructure and resources: Although the quantitative results did not point out this aspect directly, in the qualitative interviews, the lack of adequate technological resources was identified as a recurring obstacle to achieving academic excellence.
Data analysis

The mixed analysis of quantitative and qualitative data provides a comprehensive view of the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence. The quantitative results suggest a statistically significant relationship, supported by the qualitative perceptions of the participants, who recognize the crucial role of organizational behavior in improving the educational and academic environment.


The results of this study corroborate that organizational behavior has a significant impact on academic excellence in an intercultural university in Peru. By comparing these findings with previous studies, important similarities and differences can be identified in the relationship between the investigated variables.

Comparison with previous studies

The positive impact of organizational behavior on academic excellence found in this study is in line with the results obtained by García and López [3], who demonstrated that, in Latin American universities, a favorable organizational environment increases academic satisfaction and performance. In their research, they pointed out that the motivation of teachers and their involvement in decision-making improves the educational climate, which coincides with the qualitative findings of this study, in which the participants mentioned the importance of participatory leadership.

Another relevant study is that of Mendoza and Gómez [6], who also examined organizational behavior in the context of intercultural universities in Peru. In their research, they concluded that inclusive and collaborative leadership models foster greater cohesion among teaching teams and directly contribute to improving student academic outcomes. These results are consistent with the qualitative findings of the present study, which highlighted that institutional leadership influences motivation and the educational environment. In particular, teachers noted that participatory leadership was essential for academic development.

However, other studies, such as that of Rodríguez and Morales [8], suggest that although organizational behavior has an impact on academic excellence, factors such as infrastructure and access to resources play a more crucial role. This finding differs in part from our quantitative results, where the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence was statistically significant. In qualitative interviews, participants mentioned the lack of technological resources as a challenge, although it was not the most prominent factor. This suggests that, in an intercultural context, organizational behavior may have a greater weight compared to other structural factors, as noted by Mendoza and Gómez [6].

Regarding the analysis of correlations, the results of the present study show a moderate positive correlation between organizational behavior and academic excellence (r = 0.58), which is similar to what was found by Hernández and Díaz [9], who reported a correlation of r = 0.65 in a study on organizational behavior in Mexican universities. They concluded that factors related to organizational culture, such as effective communication and recognition of achievements, were key to promoting academic excellence. These factors also emerged in our qualitative analysis as determinants for a more positive educational environment.

Intercultural factors and comparison with other contexts

A differential aspect of this study is its focus on an intercultural university, which brings a unique dimension to the discussion. The intercultural approach of the university studied implies a diverse educational context, in which the inclusion of local cultural values ​​and practices is central to organizational functioning. This intercultural component is little addressed in studies from other regions, such as that of Rodríguez and Morales [8], who focused on conventional universities. However, Mendoza and Gómez [6] suggest that intercultural universities require a more inclusive organizational model, which may explain why, in the current context, organizational behavior becomes more relevant for academic excellence.

Limitations and suggestions for future research

Despite the significant results obtained, this study has some limitations that must be considered. First, the sample of participants is limited to a single intercultural university, which may affect the generalizability of the results to other institutions. García and López [3] warn that studies in multiple universities allow for greater diversity of data and more robust results.

Furthermore, it would be beneficial to extend this type of research to other educational contexts and analyze how organizational behavior is related to academic excellence in different types of institutions (both urban and rural). According to Rodríguez and Morales [8], conducting comparative studies between universities from different socioeconomic contexts could provide valuable information on how organizational factors vary depending on the institutional structure.

Contributions to the field of study

This study contributes empirical evidence to the literature on the relationship between organizational behavior and academic excellence, specifically in an intercultural context. In line with what was pointed out by Mendoza and Gómez [6], the importance of adopting participatory leadership and an inclusive organizational culture is highlighted to foster a positive academic environment. Unlike other studies, this work highlights how intercultural culture can act as a moderating factor in this relationship, which represents a significant contribution to future research in this área [10,11].


The present study confirms that organizational behavior has a significant impact on academic excellence in an intercultural university in Peru. The results show that a positive organizational environment, characterized by participatory and collaborative leadership, contributes to improving academic performance and satisfaction of students and teachers. Furthermore, the qualitative analysis highlights the importance of effective communication and teamwork. These findings suggest that strengthening organizational culture may be key to fostering a more inclusive academic environment conducive to the development of educational excellence.

Ethical statements

This study was conducted following established ethical principles for social science and educational research. Informed consent was obtained from all participants for the publication of data collected during the study. Participants were informed about the purpose of the study, the nature of their participation, and their right to confidentiality and anonymity.

The research protocol was reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Universidad Nacional Intercultural de la Selva Central Juan Santos Atahualpa (Organizing Committee Meeting 058-2024/UNISCJSA). All procedures were ensured to comply with applicable ethical and legal standards.

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