Editorial Board

    Vladimir Honig
    Associate professor
    Department of Chemistry
    Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
    Czech Republic


    Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources Associate professor: Petrochemistry and renewable energy

    Prague University of Economics and Business (PUEB) Faculty of Business Administration - Ph.D. study

    Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Faculty of Engineering - Ph.D. study

    Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Faculty of Engineering - Master study


    2021-present Consultant for biofuels and renewable energy resources ORLEN

    Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS) Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources, Department of Chemistry – deputy head, Associate Professor

    Prague University of Economics and Business (PUEB) Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Strategy - Associate Professor

    Department of Strategy, Faculty of Business Administration

    Membership in professional institutions

    Member of the Section "Quality in energy"/National Quality Policy of the Czech Republic (Advisory, Initiative and Coordination Body of the Government of the Czech Republic)

    Member of the Working Group "Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources"/National Quality Policy of the Czech Republic

    Membership in international scientific societies

    Member of Royal Society of Chemistry (Cambridge, UK)

    Member of American Chemical Society (Washington, USA


    Research Interest: Research activities in chemistry, renewable energy resources, biomass and circular economy

    More Info.
    Tunay KARAN
    Molecular Biology
    Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University

    2017-Postdoctoral researcher

    Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey Plant Research Lab of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    2011-2016 PhD (Research Assis-tant) Gaziosmanpasa University Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    2008- 2011 Master (Research Assis-tant) Gaziosmanpasa University Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    2003-2007 Under graduate Cumhuriyet Univer-sity Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interest:  Algae cultivation, Plant biotechnology, Secondary metabolite production


    1. Bioprocessingof microalgae for production and recovery of high-value metabolites;", Texas A&M University, 23.08.2015 -29.11.2015

    2. Activity Controlled Isolation of Isolated Secondary Metabolites from Cladophora fracta (Tubitak 2017-2018).

    3. Investigation of Pharmacological Secondary Metabolites in Some Cyanobacteria Members and Investigation of the Effects of Various Stress Conditions on the Production of these Metabolites (2016- 2018 Bap Turkey).

    List of Publications: 

    1. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler Zekeriya Altuner, Mahfuz Elmastas. Molecular Identification and Norharmane Quantification of Cyanobacterium, Geitlerinema carotinosum. International Journal of Pharmacy& Pharmaceutical Research.June 2017,  Vol.:9, Issue:3, 67-73.

    2. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler. Screening of Norharmane from Seven Cyanobacteria by High performance Liquid Chromatography. Pharmacogn. Mag. 11.10.2017, Vol: 13, Issue: 51, 723-725.

    3.Tunay Karan, Zekeriya Altuner, Ramazan Erenler. Growth and Metabolite Production of Chroococcus minutus Under Different Temperature and Light Conditions. Journal of New Results in Science, 6:1 47-52, 2017.

    4. Tunay KARAN, Taner DAŞTAN, İnanç BARAL, Zekeriya ALTUNER.   Effects of Differential Time Applications on Some Cyanobacterial Norharman Production Rates.  Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi (CFD), Cilt 37, No. 4 (2016) ISSN: 1300-1949.

    5. Tunay KARAN, Ramazan ERENLER, Zekeriya ALTUNER. Isolation and Molecular Identification of Some Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) from Freshwater Sites in Tokat Province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(11): 1371-1378, 2017

    6.Tunay KARAN, Saban Tekin, Ahmet Bursalı, Adem Keskin. Investigation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus (TBEV) in Ixodid Ticks  Collected from Central Black Sea Region in Turkey. Journal of New Results in Science 4 (2014) 30-35

    7.Sevgi Durna Dastan, Naci Degerli, Taner Dastan, Fazilet Yildiz, Yavuz Yildir, Yusuf Muhammed Durna, Dilek Atessahin  and Tunay Karan. Phenylthiocarbamide taste perception as a possible genetic association marker for nutritional habits and obesity tendency of people. Pak. J. Pharm. Sci., Vol.28, No.3(Suppl), May 2015, pp.1141-1150. 

    8. Sevgi Durna Daştan, Taner Daştan, Serap Çetinkaya, Dilek Ateşşahin, Tünay Karan. Evaluation of In Vitro Anticancer Effect of Plantago major L. and Plantago lanceolata L. Leaf Extracts from Sivas. Cumhuriyet Üniv. Sağ. Bil. Enst. Derg. 2016 (1)1: 07-14

    9. Tunay KARAN, İlyas Yıldız, Ali Aydın, ,Ramazn Erenler Inhibition of Various Cancer Cells Proliferation of Bornyl Acetate and Essential Oil from Inula graveolens (Linnaeus) Desf.  Rec. Nat. Prod. 12:3 (2018) 273-283

    10. Ramazan Erenler, Tuğba Adak, Tunay KARAN, Mahfuz Elmastaş,İlyas Yıldız, Hüseyin Akşit,Gülaçtı Topcu,Murat Aydın Sanda. CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS ISOLATED FROM ORİGANUM SOLYMICUM WITH ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITITES. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM)  2017,Volume 1, Pages 139-145

    11. Tünay KARAN, Mesut KOYUNCU, İskender PARMAKSIZ, Köksal PABUÇCU, Zekeriya ALTUNER. Siyanotoksinler ve Biyosentezlerinden Sorumlu Genlerin Düzenlenmesi. Gaziosmanpaşa Fen Bilimeri Enstitüsü Bilimsel Araştırma Dergisi 11 (2015) 54-69 .

    12. KARAN TÜNAY,TEKIN SABAN, BURSALI AHMET.‘Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus in Ixodid Ticks in Tokat Province of Turkey. Abstracts / Journal of Biotechnology 161S (2012) 19–48. 

    13. Tunay KARAN, Saban Tekin, Adem Keskin, Ahmet Bursalı. Testing The Presence of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus in Ixodid Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) From Tokat and Ordu Vicinity. In vivo International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pathophysiology and Drug Research. 25:3 467-576 (2011).

    14. Tunay KARAN, Omer KAYIR, Zekeriya ALTUNER, Ramazan ERENLER.Growth and norharmane production of Chroococcus minutus under various stress conditions.2018, 1, 10-15.

    15.Tunay KARAN.  Metabolic profile and biological activities of Lavandula stoechas L. Cellular and Molecular Biology E-ISSN : 1165-158X / P-ISSN : 0145-5680.

    16. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler. Fatty acid constituents and anticancer activity of Cladophora fracta (OF Müller ex Vahl) Kützing. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research October 2018; 17 (10): 1977-1982.

    17. Tunay Karan, Ali Aydin. Anticancer potential and cytotoxic effect of some freshwater cyanobacteria. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research November 2018; 17 (11): 2183-2188.

    18.Evanthia Mantzouki, Tunay KARAN and et. al. Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins. Toxins 2018, 10, 156.

    19.Evanthia Mantzouki, Tunay KARAN and et. al. A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of

    environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins. Scıentıfıc Data 5:180226 DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2018.226.

    20. Tunay Karan and Bilge Hilal Cadirci. Evaluatıon of antımıcrobıal and antıoxıdant actıvıty of lepıdıum draba l. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol 7, Issue 13, 2018.

    More Info.
    Loai Aljerf
    Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Dental Medicine
    Damascus University

    Loai Aljerf is a Prof in the Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Dental Medicine/Damascus University. He is a specialist in analytical and industrial chemistry. He obtained many awards and published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers (two of them in French) in Environmental Sciences, Green Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Synthesis Chemistry, Concrete, Ceramics, Paper Industry, Petrochemical, Extraction, Separation, Lithium-Ion-Batteries, and Oral Chemistry. He is a partner in Advances in Cleaner Production Network, and a member of the German Chemical Society e.V. (GDCh), Asian Chemical Society, and the American University of Beirut. He is a member of the higher committee of the 6th International Workshop-Advance in Cleaner Production (São Paulo, Brazil (May 24th to 26th - 2017)) and in more than 20 conference organizing committees. Loai Aljerf is in the Cambridge Scholars Publishing-Life Science Advisory Board and an editor of more than 50 journals and a reviewer for Top journals in Industry, Chemical Engineering, and Environmental Chemistry. 

    Research Interest: 

    Industrial Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemical Engineering, Environmental Science, Environmental Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Cement Industry, Ceramics, Paper Industry, Advances in Cleaner Production, Climate Change, Pollution, Wastewater Treatment, Air Pollution, Eco-friendly Biopolymers, Persistent Organic Pollutants, Polychlorinated biphenyls, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Nanotechnology, Adsorption, Ecology and Natural Resources, Biodiversity, Sustainable Development, Waste Management, Environmental Management, Life Cycle Assessment, Ecodesign, Design for the Environment, Energy Labelling, Eco-efficiency, Chromatography, HPLC, GC, MS, AAS, Spectroscopy, and Lithium-Ion-Batteries. 

    List of Publications: 

    Aljerf L. 2015. Effect of thermal-cured hydraulic cement admixtures on the mechanical properties of concrete. Interceram: International Ceramic Review. 64(8), 346-356. DOI: 10.1007/bf03401142

    Aljerf L. 2015. Change theories drift conventional tourism into ecotourism. Acta Technica Corvininesis - Bulletin of Engineering. 8(4), 101-104. DOI: 10.17632/sn32gxr7t7.1

    Aljerf, L. 2015. Fabrication et test d’un catalyseur d’acide sulfonique approprié pour la réaction de production des biocarburants. Afrique SCIENCE. 11(6), 349–358. DOI: 10.17632/wb3yvd946d.1

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2015. The efficient implementation of the Jift as one of the Olive Mill Waste (OMW) in urea extraction from urine. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture Sciences. 26(1), 101 – 114. DOI: 10.4197/Met. 26-1.9

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2016. Sustainable development in Damascus University: A survey of internal stakeholder views. Journal of Environmental Studies. 2(2), 1–12. DOI: 10.13188/2471-4879.100012

    Aljerf L. 2016. Méthode de synthèse économique et environnementale de la cardolite alkylée. American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences. 3(1), 415–422. DOI : 10.17632/wsgrrnxfpf.1

    Aljerf L. 2016. Development of a method for classification of hospitals based on results of the Diagnosis-Related Groups and the principle of Case-Mix Index. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 22(5), 327-334. DOI: 10.26719/2016.22.5.327

    Aljerf L. 2016. Reduction of gas emission resulting from thermal ceramic manufacturing processes through development of industrial conditions. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University. 17(1), 1-10 (In Arabic). DOI: 10.17632/c4j2c5ks7d.1

    Aljerf L. 2016. Green technique development for promoting the efficiency of pulp slurry reprocess. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University. 17(2), 1–10 (In Arabic). DOI: 10.17632/6rgxsd48yc.1

    Aljerf L. and Mashlah A. 2017. Characterization and validation of candidate reference methods for the determination of calcium and magnesium in biological fluids. Microchemical Journal. 132, 411–421. DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2017.03.001

    Aljerf L. and Alhaffar I. 2017. Salivary distinctiveness and modifications in males with Diabetes and Behçet's disease. Biochemistry Research International. 2017, 1–12. DOI: 10.1155/2017/9596202

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2017. Hydroxyapatite and Fluoroapatite behavior with pH Change. International Medical Journal. 24(5), 407-410.

    Choukaife A.E. and Aljerf L. 2017. A descriptive study – in vitro: new validated method for checking Hap and Fap Behaviours. International Medical Journal. 24(5), 394-397.

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2017. A novel method to chromatographically resolution of sulphonamides by vapour-programmed Thin-Layer Chromatography. MOJ Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry. 1(4), 00024. DOI: 10.15406/mojboc.2017.01.00024

    Aljerf L. 2017. Syrian medical legislation impacts stories on pharmacy in the millennium. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science. 1(5), 307-311.

    Aljerf L. 2017. Biodiversity is key for more variety for better society. Biodiversity International Journal. 1(1), 1-4. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2017.01.00002

    Aljerf L. 2017. Previous Errors - Recent Scientific Opinion towards water fluoridation. EC Dental Science. 1(1), 36-38. 

    Aljerf L, Beasley K, Smith B. and Ganeshan N. 2017. Glass chromatography application: TLC separation of benzoic esters in pharmaceutical products. International Journal of Biochemistry Advances. 1(1), 1-8.

    Aljerf L. and Al-Kuddsi A.E. 2017. A method for the manufacture of paper pulp from okra stem fibers. Journal of Damascus University-Agriculture 33(1), 277-290. 

    Aljerf L. 2018. High-efficiency extraction of bromocresol purple dye and heavy metals as chromium from industrial effluent by adsorption onto a modified surface of zeolite: kinetics and equilibrium study. Journal of Environmental Management 225, 120-132. 

    Aljerf L. 2018. Data of thematic analysis of farmer's use behavior of recycled industrial wastewater. Data in Brief 21, 240-250.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Mercury toxicity: ecological features of organic phase of mercury in biota- Part I. Archives of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Sciences 3(3), 1-8. 

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. A gateway to metal resistance: bacterial response to heavy metal toxicity in the biological environment. Annals of Advances in Chemistry 2(1), 32-44.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Chromium isotopes detection in their ores with minimal errors. Annals of Advances in Chemistry 2(1), 45-54.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Persistence and bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the soil and aquatic ecosystems: Syrian frontiers in ecology and environment. Sustainability in Environment 3(4), 358-386.

    Aljerf L, and AlHamwi B. 2018. Exploratory study of Xanthine Dehydrogenase (XD) accumulation in chicks’ organs: XD natures and its inhibitory activities. Journal of Advances in Biology 11(1), 2269-2276.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Syrian Case Study: Behçet’s disease clinical symptomatologies, ocular manifestations, and treatment. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science 2(2), 502-509.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. In modern ocular pharmacology-dexamethasone the top active corticosteroid. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 6(6), 463-468.

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2018. Review: Assessment of the doable utilisation of dendrochronology as an element tracer technology in soils artificially contaminated with heavy metals. Biodiversity International Journal 2(1), 1–8. DOI:10.15406/bij.2017.02.00037 

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. High resolution chromatography and sensitive retention: optimization of the experimental conditions for proteins extraction by preparative HPLC. Journal of Progressive Research in Modern Physics and Chemistry 3(1), 97-103.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Halothane anesthesia – fact or fallacy? International Journal of Drug Safety and Discovery 2(1), 010.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. In vitro investigated study of the relationship among fluoride of plaque and caries. EC Dental Science 17(6), 892-899.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. An assessment of the US and UN safety precautions for pesticides in milk by labeling medicine alarm strategy for all dairy animal products. International Journal of Drug Safety and Discovery 2(1), 009.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Educational study of the best Eco-Friendly applicatory dental restorative methods in using well-designed chemical composition of amalgam. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2(8), 113-120.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri, N. 2018. Excellent crystal coloration and an extraordinary improvements of developing synthetic quartz single crystals growth and defects. Archives of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Sciences 3(3), 1-8.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Flame propagation model and combustion phenomena: observations, characteristics, investigations, technical indicators, and mechanisms. Journal of Energy Conservation 1(1), 31-40.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Beyond pain, fear, withdrawal-findings, and problems involving change - treatment and application for a chronic addiction on alcohol do not end. Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties International Journal 2(1), 1-9.

    Aljerf L, AlMasri N, and Prince U. 2018. Statistical relationship between milk constituents used in breeding programs during lactation: French Case Study. International Journal of Case Reports and Studies 2(2), 88-91.

    Aljerf L, and AlHamwi, B. 2018. Up-to-date meth¬ods used in dental materials designs. Mathews Journal of Dentistry 3(1), 020.

    Aljerf L. 2018. Toxicological investigations in food. Global Journal of Nutrition & Food Science 1(1), 1.

    Aljerf L. and Nadra R. 2018. Developed greener method based on MW implementation in manufacturing CNFs. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 14. (In press, see: http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijnm)

    Aljerf L. 2018. Advanced highly polluted rainwater treatment process. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering 12(1). (In press, see: http://www.periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/juee/article/view/33173)

    Aljerf L. 2018. Environmental behavior sustains environmental performance in order to green people’s profiles. Indian Journal Science and Technology. (In press)

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. Developing of low-cost ecological method provides a higher efficiency of major minerals separation from lithium-ion batteries leftovers. Journal of Damascus University- Engineering Science 2(3), 27-39. In Press (In Arabic).

    Aljerf L. Making an Eco-friendly biopolymer product for use in packaging industry. Journal of Damascus University- Engineering Science. In Press (In Arabic).

    Aljerf L. 2015. Effect of thermal-cured hydraulic cement admixtures on the mechanical properties of concrete. Interceram: International Ceramic Review. 64(8), 346-356. DOI: 10.1007/bf03401142

    Aljerf L. 2015. Change theories drift conventional tourism into ecotourism. Acta Technica Corvininesis - Bulletin of Engineering. 8(4), 101-104. DOI: 10.17632/sn32gxr7t7.1

    Aljerf, L. 2015. Fabrication et test d’un catalyseur d’acide sulfonique approprié pour la réaction de production des biocarburants. Afrique SCIENCE. 11(6), 349–358. DOI: 10.17632/wb3yvd946d.1

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2015. The efficient implementation of the Jift as one of the Olive Mill Waste (OMW) in urea extraction from urine. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Meteorology, Environment and Arid Land Agriculture Sciences. 26(1), 101 – 114. DOI: 10.4197/Met. 26-1.9

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2016. Sustainable development in Damascus University: A survey of internal stakeholder views. Journal of Environmental Studies. 2(2), 1–12. DOI: 10.13188/2471-4879.100012

    Aljerf L. 2016. Méthode de synthèse économique et environnementale de la cardolite alkylée. American Journal of Innovative Research and Applied Sciences. 3(1), 415–422. DOI : 10.17632/wsgrrnxfpf.1

    Aljerf L. 2016. Development of a method for classification of hospitals based on results of the Diagnosis-Related Groups and the principle of Case-Mix Index. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. 22(5), 327-334. DOI: 10.26719/2016.22.5.327

    Aljerf L. 2016. Reduction of gas emission resulting from thermal ceramic manufacturing processes through development of industrial conditions. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University. 17(1), 1-10 (In Arabic). DOI: 10.17632/c4j2c5ks7d.1

    Aljerf L. 2016. Green technique development for promoting the efficiency of pulp slurry reprocess. Scientific Journal of King Faisal University. 17(2), 1–10 (In Arabic). DOI: 10.17632/6rgxsd48yc.1

    Aljerf L. and Mashlah A. 2017. Characterization and validation of candidate reference methods for the determination of calcium and magnesium in biological fluids. Microchemical Journal. 132, 411–421. DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2017.03.001

    Aljerf L. and Alhaffar I. 2017. Salivary distinctiveness and modifications in males with Diabetes and Behçet's disease. Biochemistry Research International. 2017, 1–12. DOI: 10.1155/2017/9596202

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2017. Hydroxyapatite and Fluoroapatite behavior with pH Change. International Medical Journal. 24(5), 407-410.

    Choukaife A.E. and Aljerf L. 2017. A descriptive study – in vitro: new validated method for checking Hap and Fap Behaviours. International Medical Journal. 24(5), 394-397.

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2017. A novel method to chromatographically resolution of sulphonamides by vapour-programmed Thin-Layer Chromatography. MOJ Bioorganic & Organic Chemistry. 1(4), 00024. DOI: 10.15406/mojboc.2017.01.00024

    Aljerf L. 2017. Syrian medical legislation impacts stories on pharmacy in the millennium. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science. 1(5), 307-311.

    Aljerf L. 2017. Biodiversity is key for more variety for better society. Biodiversity International Journal. 1(1), 1-4. DOI: 10.15406/bij.2017.01.00002

    Aljerf L. 2017. Previous Errors - Recent Scientific Opinion towards water fluoridation. EC Dental Science. 1(1), 36-38. 

    Aljerf L, Beasley K, Smith B. and Ganeshan N. 2017. Glass chromatography application: TLC separation of benzoic esters in pharmaceutical products. International Journal of Biochemistry Advances. 1(1), 1-8.

    Aljerf L. and Al-Kuddsi A.E. 2017. A method for the manufacture of paper pulp from okra stem fibers. Journal of Damascus University-Agriculture 33(1), 277-290. 

    Aljerf L. 2018. High-efficiency extraction of bromocresol purple dye and heavy metals as chromium from industrial effluent by adsorption onto a modified surface of zeolite: kinetics and equilibrium study. Journal of Environmental Management 225, 120-132. 

    Aljerf L. 2018. Data of thematic analysis of farmer's use behavior of recycled industrial wastewater. Data in Brief 21, 240-250.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Mercury toxicity: ecological features of organic phase of mercury in biota- Part I. Archives of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Sciences 3(3), 1-8. 

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. A gateway to metal resistance: bacterial response to heavy metal toxicity in the biological environment. Annals of Advances in Chemistry 2(1), 32-44.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Chromium isotopes detection in their ores with minimal errors. Annals of Advances in Chemistry 2(1), 45-54.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Persistence and bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the soil and aquatic ecosystems: Syrian frontiers in ecology and environment. Sustainability in Environment 3(4), 358-386.

    Aljerf L, and AlHamwi B. 2018. Exploratory study of Xanthine Dehydrogenase (XD) accumulation in chicks’ organs: XD natures and its inhibitory activities. Journal of Advances in Biology 11(1), 2269-2276.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Syrian Case Study: Behçet’s disease clinical symptomatologies, ocular manifestations, and treatment. Chronicles of Pharmaceutical Science 2(2), 502-509.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. In modern ocular pharmacology-dexamethasone the top active corticosteroid. EC Pharmacology and Toxicology 6(6), 463-468.

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. 2018. Review: Assessment of the doable utilisation of dendrochronology as an element tracer technology in soils artificially contaminated with heavy metals. Biodiversity International Journal 2(1), 1–8. DOI:10.15406/bij.2017.02.00037 

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. High resolution chromatography and sensitive retention: optimization of the experimental conditions for proteins extraction by preparative HPLC. Journal of Progressive Research in Modern Physics and Chemistry 3(1), 97-103.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Halothane anesthesia – fact or fallacy? International Journal of Drug Safety and Discovery 2(1), 010.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. In vitro investigated study of the relationship among fluoride of plaque and caries. EC Dental Science 17(6), 892-899.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. An assessment of the US and UN safety precautions for pesticides in milk by labeling medicine alarm strategy for all dairy animal products. International Journal of Drug Safety and Discovery 2(1), 009.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Educational study of the best Eco-Friendly applicatory dental restorative methods in using well-designed chemical composition of amalgam. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2(8), 113-120.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri, N. 2018. Excellent crystal coloration and an extraordinary improvements of developing synthetic quartz single crystals growth and defects. Archives of Organic and Inorganic Chemical Sciences 3(3), 1-8.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Flame propagation model and combustion phenomena: observations, characteristics, investigations, technical indicators, and mechanisms. Journal of Energy Conservation 1(1), 31-40.

    Aljerf L, and AlMasri N. 2018. Beyond pain, fear, withdrawal-findings, and problems involving change - treatment and application for a chronic addiction on alcohol do not end. Drug Designing & Intellectual Properties International Journal 2(1), 1-9.

    Aljerf L, AlMasri N, and Prince U. 2018. Statistical relationship between milk constituents used in breeding programs during lactation: French Case Study. International Journal of Case Reports and Studies 2(2), 88-91.

    Aljerf L, and AlHamwi, B. 2018. Up-to-date meth¬ods used in dental materials designs. Mathews Journal of Dentistry 3(1), 020.

    Aljerf L. 2018. Toxicological investigations in food. Global Journal of Nutrition & Food Science 1(1), 1.

    Aljerf L. and Nadra R. 2018. Developed greener method based on MW implementation in manufacturing CNFs. International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 14. (In press, see: http://www.inderscience.com/info/ingeneral/forthcoming.php?jcode=ijnm)

    Aljerf L. 2018. Advanced highly polluted rainwater treatment process. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering 12(1). (In press, see: http://www.periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/juee/article/view/33173)

    Aljerf L. 2018. Environmental behavior sustains environmental performance in order to green people’s profiles. Indian Journal Science and Technology. (In press)

    Aljerf L. and Choukaife A.E. Developing of low-cost ecological method provides a higher efficiency of major minerals separation from lithium-ion batteries leftovers. Journal of Damascus University- Engineering Science 2(3), 27-39. In Press (In Arabic).

    Aljerf L. Making an Eco-friendly biopolymer product for use in packaging industry. Journal of Damascus University- Engineering Science. In Press (In Arabic).

    Aljerf L. 2016. Say goodbye to antibiotics- “A vision since my childhood”. Elevate-The HonorSociety.org Magazine. https://www.honorsociety.org/articles/say-goodbye-antibiotics-vision-my-childhood

    Aljerf L. 2016. Recycling opens the door for precious extraction of heavy metals from lithium-ion batteries. Elevate-The HonorSociety.org Magazine. https://www.honorsociety.org/articles/recycling-opens-door-precious-extraction-heavy-metals-lithium-ion-batteries

    Aljerf L. 2016. Toxic metals removal from municipal solid waste by using fungi. Elevate-The HonorSociety.org Magazine. https://www.honorsociety.org/articles/toxic-metals-removal-municipal-solid-waste-using-fungi

    Skype ID: loai.aljerf

    More Info.
    Ramazan Erenler
    Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University

    Ramazan Erenler is a full Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Arts and Sciences Tokat Gaziosmanpasa University, Turkey, head of the Synthetic Organic Chemistry Laboratory and Plant Research Laboratory. He has completed his PhD in the field of Organic Chemistry from Tokat Gaziosmanpasa Universiyt, Turkey and postdoctoral studies from Academia Sinica, Taiwan, and Kansas State University, USA in synthetic Organic Chemistry. Dr. Erenler visited some European universities for seminars and research. He has published seventy eight (78) scientific articles in peer reviewed journals. He joined the many international congresses and publised 110 conference proceedings. Dr. Erenler’s research focuses on the area of Plant Chemistry, isolation and identification of secondary metabolites from plants and investigation of their antioxidant and anticancer activities.

    Research Interest: Natural Product Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Synthesis, Isolation and identification of active compounds from plants, Spectroscopy, Chromatography, Biological activity, Antioxidant activity, Anticancer activity

    List of Publications: 

    Papers (SCI)

    1. Topçu, G.; Erenler, R.; Çakmak, O.; Johansson, C. B.; Çelik, C; Chai, H.-B. Pezzuto, J, M. Diterpenes from the berries of juniperus excelsa. Phytochemistry,  50, 1195-1199 (1999).

    2. Demirtas, İ; Erenler, R.; ve  Çakmak, O. Synthetic route to 1,3-disubstituted naphthalene derivatives, Journal of Chemical Research (S), 524-526. (2002).

    3. Çelik, İ; Demirtaş, İ; Akkurt, M.; Erenler, R.; Güven, K.; Çakmak, O. Crystal  Structure of  cis,cis,cis-1,2-epoxy-3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxy tetralin, Crystal Research and Technology, 38, 2,193-196. (2003).

    4. Elmastaş, M.; Öztürk, L.; Gökçe, İ.; Erenler, R.; Aboul-Enein, H. Y.,  Determination of antioxidant activity of marshmallow flowers (Althea officinalis L.). Analitical Letters, 37, 9, 1859-1861 (2004).

    5. Çelik, İ.; Akkurt M.; Demirtas, İ.; Erenler, R. ve Güven, K., The Crystal structure of -phenil-N-thioacetylmorpholine. Analytical Science, 20, x89-x90 (2004).

    6. Öztürk, S.; Büyükkıdan, B.; Erenler, R.; Akkkurt, M.; Çakmak, O. ve Fun, H-K. Crystal Structure of 1,4-dihydroxy-3,4-dibromo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-napthalene. Cryst. Res. Technol. 39, 9, 815-820. (2004).

    7. Akkurt, M.; Çelik, İ.; Erenler, R.; Çakmak, O.; Ersanli, C. C.; Büyükgüngör, O., Trans,trans,trans-2,3,5,8-tetrabro-1,4-dihydroxy- 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-naphthalene. Acta Crystallograpica Section E, E60, 2096-2098, (2004).

    8. Erenler, R. ve Çakmak, O., Synthesis of hexabromo, hydroxy, epoxy, methoxy, and nitroxy derivatives of tetralins and naphthalenes. J. Chem. Res., 8, 566-569, (2004).

    9. Erenler, R. and Biellmann, J-F. Facile conversion of pyridine propargylic alcohols to enones: stereochemistry of protonation of allenol. Tet. lett., 46, 34, 5683-5685. (2005).

    10. Çakmak, O.; Erenler, R.; Tutar, A.; Celik, N. Synthesis of New Anthrecene Derivatives. J. Org. Chem. 71, 5, 1795-1801, (2006).

    11. Çelik, İ.; Akkurt, M.; Erenler, R.; Cakmak O. and Ersanlı, C. C., trans, trans, trans-1,4-Dimethoxy-2,3,5,8-tetrabromotetralin. Acta Crystallograpica Section E, E62, 4609-4610, (2006).

    12. Erenler, R.; Synthesizing of 1-phenyl-3-(pyridine-4-yl)prop-2-ynyl acetate. Asian Journal Of Chemistry, 19, 3, 2207-2210 (2007).

    13. Erenler, R.; Demirtas, İ; Büyükkıdan, B.; ve Çakmak, O., Synthesis of hydroxy, epoxy, nitroxy and methoxy derivatives of tetralins and naphthalenes. J. Chem. Reseach., 753-757, (2006).

    14. Erenler, R. and Biellmann,J. F. ; Synthesis of pentafluorophenyl- and pyridinyl-3 allenes. J. Chem. Soc. China, 54(1),103-108, (2007).

    15. Erenler,  R. Synthesıs of allenic naphthalene derivatives. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2007, 21(2), 241-247.

    16. İ. Çelik, R. Erenler, M. Akkurt, C. Sancak Ünlü, A. Tutar ve S. Garcia-Granda. Crystal structure of 1,2,3-tribromobenz[f]indane. Analytıcal Scıences 2007, Vol. 23, X229.

    17. Erenler, R., Uno M, Goud TV, Biellmann JF. Preparation of some heterocyclic enones and ynones by isomerisation of the propargylic alcohols. J.Chem.Res.7, 459-464, 2009.

    18. Ramazan Erenler, Synthesis and Characterization of Pyridyl Propargyloximes. Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23, 8, 3546-3548, 2011.

    19. Ramazan Erenler, Facile and Efficient Synthesis of Ethyl 3-oxo-3-(pyridin-4-yl)-2-((pyridin-4-yl)methylene)propanoate, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 23, 8, 3763-3764, 2011.

    20. Unsalan, O., Tutar, A., Unlu, C.S., Erenler, R. FTIR spectroscopic and quantum-chemical studies on some tribromoindenes and their isomers, OPTICS AND SPECTROSCOPY, 111, 6, 894-903, 2011

    21. İsmail Çelik, Mehmet Akkurt, Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler and Santiago Garcia-Granda. 2,3-Dihydro-1H-cyclopenta[b]naphthalen-1-ol. Acta Cryst. (2012). E68, o687.

    22. İsmail Celik, Mehmet Akkurt, Makbule Yılmaz, Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler and Santiago Garcia-Granda, 5-Amino-4-bromo-2,3-dihydro-1Hinden-1-one, Acta Crystallographica Section E, 68, 0833. 2012

    23. Ismail Celik, Mehmet Akkurt, Makbule Yılmaz, Ahmet Turar, Ramazan Erenler, Canan Kazak. 2,4-Dibromo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-yl-acetate. Acta Crystallographica Section E, 68, 01884. 2012

    24. Cihansel Sancak Unlu, Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler. Facile and Efficient Bromination of Benz[F]Indan-1-One. J.Chem.Soc.Pak., Vol. 34, No. 3, 705-708, 2012,

    25. Ramazan Erenler and Jean-François Biellmann, 1-Methyl-4-ethynylpridinum triflate: Reaction with thiophenol giving rise to chromophoric (E)-1-methyl-4-[2-(phenylsulfanyl)-1-ethenyl]pyridinium triflate. An example of nucleophilic reaction on triple bond, . J.Chem.Soc.Pak., Vol. 34, No.5, 1224-1228, 2012

    26. Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler. Bromination of Benz[f]indene: Synthesis of New Benz[f]indane Derivatives, J.Chem.Soc.Pak. Vol:34, No:6, 1526-1530, (2012).

    27. Ismail Celik, Mehmet Akkurt, Makbule Yilmaz, Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler and Santiago Garcia-Granda. 2,5-Dibromoindan-1-ol. Acta Cryst. (2012). E68, o2795–o2796

    28. Ibrahim Demirtas, Ramazan Erenler, Mahfuz Elmastas, Ahmet Goktasoglu. Studies on the antioxidant potential of water-soluble fraction and isolated flavones of Allium vineale. Food Chemistry, 136, (2013) 34-40.

    29. Ayse Sahin Yaglıoglu, Bayram Akdulum, Ramazan Erenler, Ibrahim demirtas, Isa Telci, Saban Tekin. Antiproliferative activity of pentadeca-(9e, 13zdien-11-yn-2-one 1 and (e)-1,8-pentadecadiene 2 from Echinacea pallida (nutt.) nutt. Roots. Medicinal Chemistry Research. (2013), 22:2946-2953, DOI: 10.1007/s000-012-0297-2.

    30. Makbule Yılmaz, Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler. Synthesis of Bromoaminoindane and Bromoaminoindanone Derivatives. J. Chem. Res. 4, 232-235 (2013).

    31. Salih Ökten, Osman Çakmak, Ramazan Erenler, Önem Yüce, Şaban Tekin. A simple and convenient preparation of novel 6,8-disubstituted quinoline derivatives and their promising anticancer activities. Turk J Chem. (2013) 37: 896-908.

    32. Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler, Jean-François Biellmann. Synthesis of 8-substituted 4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene dyes (BODIPY). J. Chem. Soc. Pak., 35, No.4, 1197-1201 (2013).

    33. K. Geetha, M. Umadevi, G.V. Sathe, R. Erenler. Spectroscopic investigations on the orientation of1,4-dibromonaphthalene on silver nanoparticles.  Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 116 (2013) 236–241.

    34. Ramazan Erenler, Sakine Yilmaz, Huseyin Aksit, Ozkan Sen, Nusret Genc, Mahfuz Elmastas and Ibrahim Demirtas. Antioxidant Activities of Chemical Constituents Isolated from Echinops orientalis Trauv. Record of Natural Product, 8:1 (2014)32-36.

    35. Hüseyin Akşit, Süleyman M. Çelik, Özkan Şen, Ramazan Erenler, İbrahim Demirtaş, İsa Telci, Mahfuz Elmastaş. Complete Isolation and characterisation of Polar Portion of Mentha dumetorum water extract. Record of Natural Product. 8:3, 277-280, 2014.

    36. Jianyu Lu, Izumi Maezawa, Sahani Weerasekara, Ramazan Erenler, Tuyen D. T. Nguyen, James Nguyen, Luxi Z. Swisher, Jun Li, Lee-Way Jin, Alok Ranjan, Sanjay K. Srivastava, Duy H. Hua. Syntheses, neural protective activities, and inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3b of substituted quinolines. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 24, 3392–3397 (2014).

    37. Salih ÖKTEN, Ramazan ERENLER, Tuğba KUL KÖPRÜLÜ, Şaban TEKİN. In vitro antiproliferative / cytotoxic activity of 2,3'-biindole against various cancer cell lines. Turkish Journal of Biology. (2015) 39: 15-22.

    38. Ramazan Erenler, Isa Telci, Musa Ulutas, Ibrahim Demirtas, Fatih Gul, Mahfuz Elmastas and Omer Kayir. Chemical Constituents, Quantitative Analysis and Antioxidant Activities of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench and Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Journal of Food Biochemistry. (2015).  39 (2015) 622–630.


    39. Mahfuz Elmastaş, İsa Telci, Hüseyin Akşit, Ramazan Erenler. Comparison of total phenolic contents and antioxidant capacities in mint genotypes used as spices. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry – Türk Biyokimya Dergisi 2015; 40(6): 456–462. DOI: 10.1515/tjb-2015-0034.

    40. Mahfuz Elmastas, Ramazan Erenler, Besir Isnac, Huseyin Aksit, Ozkan Sen, Nusret Genc & Ibrahim Demirtas. Isolation and identification of a new neo-clerodane diterpenoid from Teucrium chamaedrys L. Natural Product Research, Vol. 30, No. 3, 299–304, 2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2015.1057583.

    41. Ramazan Erenler, Ozkan Sen, Ayse Sahin Yaglioglu ve Ibrahim Demirtas. Bioactivity-guided Isolation of Antiproliferative Sesquiterpene Lactones from Centaurea solstitialis L. ssp. Solstitialis. Combinatorial Chemistry & High Throughput Screening, 2016, 19, 66-72.

    42. Ramazan Erenler, Ozkan Sen, Huseyin Aksit, Ibrahim Demirtas, Mahfuz Elmastas, İsa Telci. Isolation and identification of chemical constituents from Origanum majorana and investigation of antioxidant activities. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. (2016), 96: 822–836. Doi: 10.1002/jsfa.7155.

    43. Ramazan Erenler, Ozkan Sen, Ilyas Yildiz and Ali Aydın. Antiproliferative Activities of Chemical Constituents Isolated from Thymus praecox subsp. grossheimii (Ronniger) Jalas. Rec. Nat. Prod. 10:6 (2016) 766-770.

    44. Ramazan Erenler, Koksal Pabuccu, Ayse Sahin Yaglioglu, Ibrahim Demirtas and Fatih Gul. Chemical constituents and antiproliferative effects of cultured Mougeotia nummuloides and Spirulina major against cancerous cell lines. Z. Naturforsch. 2016; 71(3-4)c: 87–92.

    45. İsmail Celik, Cem Cuneyt Ersanlı, Rahmi Koseoglu, Huseyin Aksit, Ramazan Erenler, Ibrahim Demirtas¸ and Mehmet Akkurt. Crystal structure of 3,4a,7,7,10a-pentamethyl-3- vinyldodecahydro-1H-benzo[f]chromen-9-ol isolated from Sideritis perfoliata. Acta Cryst. (2016). E72, 1380–1382.

    46. Ahmet Tutar, Ramazan Erenler. Bromination of 4-Bromoindanone and 5-Bromoindanone, Facile Synthetic Access to 3,5,10-tribromo-7H-benzo[c]fluoren-7-one. J.Chem.Soc.Pak., Vol. 38, No. 03, 2016. 546-552.

    47. Ilyas Yildiz, Ozkan Sen, Ramazan Erenler, Ibrahim Demirtas & Lutfi Behcet. Bioactivity–guided isolation of flavonoids from Cynanchum acutum L. subsp. sibiricum (willd.) Rech. f. and investigation of their antiproliferative activity. Natural Product Research. 2017.  http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2017.1289201.

    48. Abdussamat Guzel, Huseyin Aksit, Mahfuz Elmastas, Ramazan Erenler. Bioassay-guided isolation and identification of antioxidant flavonoids from Cyclotrichium origanifolium (Labill.) Manden and Scheng. 2017. Pharmacognosy Magazine 2017;13:316-20.

    49. Ramazan Erenler, Bilal Meral, Ozkan Sen, Mahfuz Elmastas, Ali Aydin, Ozgur Eminagaoglu & Gulacti Topcu. Bioassay-guided isolation, identification of compounds from Origanum rotundifolium and investigation of their antiproliferative and antioxidant activities. PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY, 2017 VOL. 55, NO. 1, 1646–1653.

    50. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler. Screening of Norharmane from Seven Cyanobacteria by High‑performance Liquid Chromatography. Pharmacognosy Magazine. Volume 13 | Issue 51 | July-September 2017 (Supplement 3).

    51.Tunay Karan, Ilyas Yildiz, Ali Aydin and Ramazan Erenler. Inhibition of Various Cancer Cells Proliferation of Bornyl Acetate and Essential Oil from Inula graveolens (Linnaeus) Desf. Rec. Nat. Prod. (2018) 12:3 273-283.

    52. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler. Fatty acid constituents and anticancer activity of

    Cladophora fracta (OF Müller ex Vahl) Kützing. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2018; 17 (10): 1977-1982.

    53. Perihan Koysu, Nusret Genc, Mahfuz Elmastas, Huseyin Aksit, Ramazan Erenler Isolation, identification of secondary metabolites from Salvia absconditiflora and evaluation of their antioxidative properties. Natural product research. https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2018.1488700.

    54. Ramazan ERENLER, İsa TELCİ, Mahfuz ELMASTAŞ, Hüseyin AKSİT, Fatih GÜL, Ali Rıza TÜFEKÇİ, İbrahim DEMİRTAŞ, Ömer KAYIR. Quantification of flavonoids isolated from Mentha spicata in selected clones of Turkish mint landraces. Turk J Chem (2018) 42: 1695 – 1705.

    55. F Gokalp, R Erenler. Theoretical Study of Synthesis of 1, 3-dibromonaphthanlene. JOURNAL OF THE CHEMICAL SOCIETY OF PAKISTAN 40 (6), 1089-1092

    56. M Elmastas, SM Celik, N Genc, H Aksit, R Erenler, İ Gulcin. Antioxidant activity of an anatolian herbal tea—Origanum minutiflorum: isolation and characterization of its secondary metabolites. International Journal of Food Properties 21 (1), 374-384

    Other Publication:

    1. Abser, M. N.; Karim, M. M.; Kausar, A.; Matin, M. A.; Molla, M. E.; Yeasmin, Z. and    Erenler, R. Synthesis and Liquid Crystalıne Behavior of bis[N-(3-Hydrazinato]Nikel (II) Complexes. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, 28, 7-21, (2005).

    2. M. N. Abser, M. M. Alam, M. R. Alam, M. Hossain, M. M. Karim, M. A. Matin, M. E. Molla and R. Erenler. Synthesis and Characterisation of Some Chlorobenzylidene Derivatives of Aroylhydrazinatonicel (II) Complexes. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol:29, 1-8, 2006.

    3. D. Çelik, A. Tutar, R. Erenler. Short and Selective Synthesis of 3,5-dibromoinden-1-one, Journal of New Results in Science, 1, 1-4, 2012.

    4. İbrahim DEMİRTAŞ, Nuri Kaan İNAH, Serkan KOLDAŞ, Ömer Cem KARAKOÇ, Ali Rıza TÜFEKÇ, Fatih GÜL, İsa TELCİ, Ramazan ERENLER, Muhammed ALTUN. Değerlendiremediğimiz Tarım Ürünleri Potansiyelimiz. Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi 6 (1): 168-173, 2013 ISSN: 1308-3945, E-ISSN: 1308-027X, www.nobel.gen.tr

    5. Necla Türkmen, Ayşenur Öz, Aslı Sönmez, Tuğçe Erola, Deniz Gülümser, Burcu Yurdakul, Ömer Kayır, Mahfuz Elmastas, Ramazan Erenler. Chemical Composition of Essential Oil from Rosmarinus Officinalis L. Leaves. Journal of New Results in Science 6 (2014) 27-31.

    6. Burcu Bayir, Hatice Gündüz,  Tuba Usta, Esma Şahin, Zeynep Özdemir, Ömer Kayıra, Özkan Şen, Hüseyin Akşit, Mahfuz Elmastaş, Ramazan Erenler. Chemical Composition of Essential Oil from Marrubium Vulgare L. Leaves. Journal of New Results in Science 6 (2014) 44-50.

    7. Gamze Kaya, Rukiye Karakaya, Esma Tilgel, Merve Sandikçı, Esra Yücel, Gayya Çicek, Ömer Kayır, Hüseyin Akşit, İsa Telci, Abdussamat Güzel, Mahfuz Elmastas, Ramazan Erenler. Essential Oil Constituents of Thuja orientalis Berries. Journal of New Results in Science 7 (2014) 1-6.

    8. İsmail Çelik, Mehmet Akkurt, Hüseyin Akşit, Ramazan Erenler, Santiago Garcia-Granda. Crystal structure and computational study of 3,4-dihydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-9-methyl-6-methylidene-3a,4,5,6,6a,9,9a,9b-octahydroazuleno[4,5-b]furan-2,8(3H,7H)-dione. Acta Cryst. (2015). E71, 1425–1428.  Thomson Reuters Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

    9. Ali Aydın, Ramazan Erenler, Bulent Yılmaz, Şaban Tekin. Antiproliferative effect of Cherry laurel. Journal of the Turkish Chemical Society. JOTCSA 3(3), 217-228. 2016.

    10. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler, Zekeriya Altuner, Mahfuz Elmastas. Molecular Identification and Norharmane Quantification of Cyanobacterium, Geitlerinema carotinosum. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Research. Ijppr.Human, 2017; Vol. 9 (3): 66-73.

    11. Tunay Karan, Ramazan Erenler, Zekeriya Altuner. Isolation and Molecular Identification of Some Blue-Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) from Freshwater Sites in Tokat Province of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 5(11): 1371-1378, 2017.

    12. Ramazan Erenler, Tugba Adak, Tunay Karan, Mahfuz Elmastas, Ilyas Yildiz, Huseyin Aksit, Gulacti Topcu, Murat Aydin Sanda. Chemical Constituents Isolated From Origanum Solymicum With Antioxidant Activitites. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM). Volume 1, Pages 139-145. 2017.

    13. Tunay Karan, Zekeriya Altuner, Ramazan Erenler. Growth and Metabolite Production of Chroococcus minutus Under Different Temperature and Light Conditions. 

    JOURNAL OF NEW RESULTS IN SCIENCE (JNRS).  Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Year: 2017 Pages: 47-52.

    14.  Ramazan ERENLER, Ibrahim DEMIRTAS, Tunay KARAN, Muhammed ALTUN, Fatih GUL. Inhibitory Effect of 6,7-dimethoxy-5-hydroxyflavone on Human Cervix Carcinoma in Vitro. Int. J. Sec. Metabolite, Vol. 4: 3 (2017) pp. 512-516

    15. Tunay KARAN, Omer KAYIR, Zekeriya ALTUNER, Ramazan ERENLER. Growth and norharmane production of Chroococcus minutus under various stress conditions. Int. J. Chem. Technol. 2018, 1, 10-15.

    16. Tunay Karan, Seyda Simsek, Ilyas Yildiz, Ramazan Erenler. Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activity of Origanum syriacum L. Essential Oil Against Sitophilus oryzae and Rhyzopertha dominica. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite 2018, Vol. 5, No. 2, 87–93.

    17. İsmail Çelik, Zeliha Atioğlu, Huseyin Aksit, Ibrahim Demirtas, Ramazan Erenler, Mehmet Akkurt. Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2-oxo-13-epi-manoyl oxide isolated from Sideritis perfoliata. Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications. 2018. Cilt, 74, Sayı: 5, Sayfalar: 713-717

    More Info.
    Hashim F. Motiwala
    Research Fellow
    University of Michigan
    United States

    My specific research interests are synthetic methodology development, total synthesis, medicinal chemistry, natural product isolation and derivatization, proteomics, drug discovery and development, translational oncology

    Research Interest:     Organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, natural products, translational oncology, proteomics.

    More Info.
    Hamed Yazdani Nezhad
    Assistant professor
    Mechanical Engineering
    Cranfield University

    Hamed received his PhD in mechanical engineering on a collaborative project between the University of Limerick, Imperial College London and Helmholtz-Zentrüm Berlin, titled "Effect of prior deformation on creep behaviour of AISI 316H austenitic stainless steels" funded by Science Foundation Ireland and EDF (formerly British Energy Ltd.).

    He worked at the Irish Centre for Composites Research as lecturer in Finite Element Analysis and Aircraft Structures, and as a post-doctoral researcher on three consecutive industrial-oriented projects on composites materials, MAAXIMUS project funded through EU FP7 grant agreement nº213371 led by Airbus (www.maaximus.eu), Design of Optimised Composites for Impact Applications (OPTCOM) project funded by Enterprise Ireland (grant CF/2013/3012B), and the Science Foundation Ireland funded FALCOM project (www.falcom.ie) on a novel adhesively bonded joining technology.

    Research Interest: 

    •    Airworthiness

    •    Composites

    •    Computing, Simulation & Modelling

    •    Manufacturing of Functional Materials

    •    Aerospace Materials

    •    Nanomaterials

    •    Renewable Energy

    •    Smart Materials

    •    Structures and Materials

    URL: https://www.cranfield.ac.uk/people/dr-hamed-yazdani-nezhad-14085695

    List of Publications: 

    1.    Deane, S, Avdelidis HP, Ibarra-Castanedo C, Zhang H, Yazdani Nezhad H, Williamson AA, Mackley T, Davis MJ, Maldague X & Tsourdos A (2019) Application of NDT thermographic imaging of aerospace structures, Infrared Physics and Technology, 97 (March) 456-466.
    2.    Liu Y, Zhang X, Lemanski S, Yazdani Nezhad H & Ayre D (2019) Experimental and numerical study of process-induced defects and their effect on fatigue debonding in composite joints, International Journal of Fatigue, 125 (August) 47-57.
    3.    Sirikham A, Zhao Y, Yazdani Nezhad H, Du W & Roy R (2019) Estimation of damage thickness in fiber-reinforced composites using pulsed thermography, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15 (1) Article No. TII-18-2286 445-453.
    4.    Yazdani Nezhad H,Stratakis D, Ayre D, Addepalli S & Zhao Y (2018) Mechanical performance of composite bonded joints in the presence of localised process-induced zero-thickness defects, Procedia Manufacturing, 16 91-98.
    5.    Lotfian S, Giraudmaillet C, Yoosefinejad A, Thakur VJ & Yazdani Nezhad H (2018) Electrospun piezoelectric polymer nanofiber layers for enabling in situ measurement in high-performance composite laminates, ACS Omega, 3 (8) 8891-8902.
    6.    Mgbemena CO, Li D, Lin MF, Liddel PD, Katnam KB, Kumar VT & Yazdani Nezhad H (2018) Accelerated microwave curing of fibre-reinforced thermoset polymer composites for structural applications: A review of scientific challenges, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 115 (December) 88-103.
    7.    Yazdani Nezhad H & Thakur VJ (2018) Effect of morphological changes due to increasing carbon nanoparticles content on the quasi-static mechanical response of epoxy resin, Polymers, 10 (10) Article No. 1106.
    8.    Liu Y, Lemanski S, Zhang X, Ayre D & Yazdani Nezhad H (2018) A finite element study of fatigue crack propagation in single lap bonded joint with process-induced disbond, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, Early online.
    9.    Yazdani Nezhad H, Egan B, Merwick F & McCarthy CT (2017) Bearing damage characteristics of fibre-reinforced countersunk composite bolted joints subjected to quasi-static shear loading, Composite Structures, 166 (April) 184-192.
    10.    Bhanushali R, Ayre D & Yazdani Nezhad H (2017) Tensile response of adhesively bonded composite-to-composite single-lap joints in the presence of bond deficiency, Procedia CIRP, 59 139-143.
    11.    Yazdani Nezhad H, Zhao Y, Liddel PD, Marchante VR & Roy R (2017) A novel process-linked assembly failure model for adhesively bonded composite structures, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 66 (1) 29-32. Dataset/s: 10.17862/cranfield.rd.4681009
    12.    Yazdani Nezhad H & O'Dowd N (2015) Creep relaxation in the presence of residual stress, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 138 250-264.
    13.    Zhou Y, Yazdani Nezhad H, Hou C, Wan X, McCarthy C & McCarthy M (2015) A three dimensional implicit finite element damage model and its application to single-lap multi-bolt composite joints with variable clearance, Composite Structures, 131 1060-1072.
    14.    Yazdani Nezhad H, Merwick F, Frizzell R & McCarthy C (2014) Numerical analysis of low-velocity rigid-body impact response of composite panels, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 20 (1) 27-43.
    15.    Zhou Y, Yazdani-Nezhad H, McCarthy M, Wan X & McCarthy C (2014) A study of intra-laminar damage in double-lap, multi-bolt, composite joints with variable clearance using continuum damage mechanics, Composite Structures, 116 441-452.
    16.    Yazdani Nezhad H & O'Dowd NP (2012) Study of creep relaxation under combined mechanical and residual stresses, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 93 132-152.

    More Info.
    Lai Chin Wei
    Senior lecturer
    University of Malaya

     IR. DR. LAI CHIN WEI is a senior lecturer in the Nanotechnology & Catalysis Research Centre, University of Malaya. He received his Ph.D (2013) from School of Materials and Mineral Resources Engineering, University of Science Malaysia in nanomaterials and nanoscience. Lai’s main research interests are in the areas of chemically modified metal oxide photocatalysts and carbon graphene materials, especially apply in environmental pollution management and solar energy technology. Lai has contributed immensely to the development and enhancement in science & technology in Malaysia, particularly in developing, optimizing and simplifying the technology lies in the synthesis of nanoparticles, metal oxide nano-architecture and carbon/graphene materials which are of high significance for green energy and environment applications. Lai’s works have been published in more than 120 refereed international top-tier journals with h-index of 18 and 100 international proceedings in materials science, physics, chemistry, and renewable energy researches. In all, Lai has reviewed more than 200 papers in the past few years, mainly for top international journals and conferences. Since 2013, his research has been funded by the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia, MOHE (FRGS, HIR-MOHE); Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia, MOSTI (E-Science fund, National Nanotechnology Development), and internal University funding (University of Malaya Research Grant). Being a reputable researcher, his enthusiasm and dedication towards research work, Lai has won several prestigious university, national and international awards in exposition on research innovation, invention & solution. In addition, he successfully awarded “Certificate of Excellent Service UM” for his excellent contribution and service in the year of 2013, 2014 and 2015. Through his work nanomaterials and catalysis field, Lai was awarded the University of Malaya Excellence Awards in the category of outstanding researcher- UM Young Researcher (Sciences Discipline) and selected to be a member of the Young Scientist Network – Academy of Sciences Malaysia (YSN-ASM) in 2015. Lately, Lai was awarded as Finalists National Young Scientist Award 2018 by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Malaysia and won Mass Young Researcher Award 2018 by Malaysian Solid State Science & Technology Society, Malaysia. On professional qualifications, Lai registered as a Professional Engineer (PEng) in Material Engineering discipline with the Board of Engineers, Malaysia (BEM) and registered as a Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the Engineering Council, UK in 2017. Lai is an active member in The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM, MAL), Energy Institute (EI, UK) and Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE, UK). He is recognised as among the calibre and outstanding young scientists in the country who have the potential of advancing the scientific ecosystem in Malaysia.

    Research Interest

    Coal Energy Technology (Graphene-based catalysts; Cellulose; Carbon-based catalysts; Carbon nanotubes) Semiconductor Materials (Titanium Dioxide, Tungsten Trioxide, Zinc Oxide, Copper Oxide, Iron Oxide) Nano Materials (Nano-tubes, Nano-rods, Nano-particles, Nano-wires) Solar Energy Technology (Hydrogen Fuel Cell, Photoelectrochemical Cell, Photovoltaic Cell, Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) Waste Management (Environmental Pollution Management) Composite Materials (Photocatalyst, Metal Oxides, Hybrid Materials, Advanced Materials)

    URL: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=cJf5GyMAAAAJ&hl=en

    List of Publications

    1.    Foo Wah Low, Chin Wei Lai, Christelle Pau Ping Wong, Carbonaceous Composite Materials: Chapter 1: Graphene and Graphene/TiO2 Nanocomposites for Renewable Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Book ISBN: 9781945291975-1, Publisher: Materials Research Forum LLC, USA [DOI: 10.21741/9781945291975-1].

    2.    Chin Wei Lai, Kian Mun Lee, Bey Fen Leo, Christelle Pau Ping Wong and Soon Weng Chong, Polymeric Materials for Clean Water: Chapter 7: Polymers as Water Disinfectants, Book ISBN: 978-3-030-00742-3, Publisher: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00743-0_7].

    3.    Swe Jyan Teh, Tong Ling Tan, Chin Wei Lai and Kian Mun Lee, (2018), Carbon Nanotubes for Clean Water: Chapter 5: Catalysis, Book ISBN: 978-3-319-95602-2, Publisher: Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-95603-9_5]. 

    4.    Swe Jyan Teh, Chin Wei Lai, (2018), Applications of Nanocomposite Materials in Dentistry: Chapter 5: Carbon nanotubes for dental implants, Book ISBN 978-0128137420 , Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Elsevier; 1 edition, Oxford, UK, [DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813742-0.00005-5].

    5.    Chin Fei Chee, Bey Fen Leo, Chin Wei Lai, (2018), Applications of Nanocomposite Materials in Drug Delivery: Chapter 37: Superparamagnetic nanoparticles for drug delivery, Book ISBN 978-0128137413, Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Elsevier; 1 edition, Oxford, UK, [DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-813741-3.00038-8].

    6.    Nur Azimah Abd Samad, Kung Shiuh Lau, Chin Wei Lai, (2018), Innovations in Engineered Porous Materials for Energy Generation and Storage Applications: Chapter 11: Wide Band Gap Nano-Semiconductors For Solar Driven Hydrogen Generation, Book ISBN: 978-1-13-873902-4, Publisher: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group, The USA.

    7.    Christelle Pau Ping Wong, Chin Wei Lai, Joon Ching Juan, (2018), Electrochemical Capacitors: Theory, Materials and Applications; Chapter 7: Hydrothermal Synthesis of Supercapacitors Electrode Materials, Book ISBN 978-1-945291-56-2, Publisher: Materials Research Forum LLC, The USA. [DOI: 10.21741/9781945291579].

    8.    Chin Wei Lai, (2018), Nano Hybrids and Composites Vol. 20: Chapter 1: WO3-TiO2 Nanocomposite and its Applications: A Review, Book ISBN 978-3-0357-1256-8, Publisher:Trans Tech Publications Inc.,Switzerland. [DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/NHC.20]

    9.    Chin Wei Lai, Kian Mun Lee, Joon Ching Juan, (2017), Nanocomposites for Visible Light-Induced Photocatalysis; Chapter 7: Polymeric Nanocomposites for Visible Light-Induced Photocatalysis, Book ISBN 978-3-319-62446-4, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, UK. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-62446-4].

    10.    Izazi Azzahidah Amin, Joon Ching Juan, Chin Wei Lai, (2017), Organic-Inorganic Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membranes: Chapter 12: An Overview of Chemical and Mechanical Stabilities of Polymer Electrolytes Membrane, pp. 327-340, Book ISBN: 978-3-319-52738-3, Publisher: Springer International Publishing, UK. [DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-52739-0-12].

    11.    Chin Wei Lai, Sharifah Bee Abd. Hamid, (2016), Renewable Energy and Sustainable Developments: Chapter 8: A mini review on titanium dioxide photocatalyst: nano-crystalline and nano-tubular systems in solar-driven water electrolysis application, pp. 291-311, ISBN: 978-1-938681-70-7; Publisher: Scientific & Academic P Publishing, USA.

    12.    Chin Wei Lai, Kung Shiuh Lau, An Advanced Hybrid Nanocomposite Film and Its Photocatalytic Water Electrolysis Response, International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials, Accepted, (2018). (SCOPUS-Indexed)

    13.    Foo Wah Low, Chin Wei Lai, Reduced graphene oxide decorated TiO2 for improving dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), Current Nanoscience, Accepted, (2018), DOI: 10.2174/1573413714666180724113106. (ISI-Indexed)

    14.    Chin Wei Lai, Kung Shiuh Lau, Pui May Chou, Controlled synthesis of well-aligned and highly ordered TiO2 nanotubes without bundling for enhanced solar-powered photoelectrochemical responses, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Accepted, (2018). (ISI-Indexed)

    15.    Chin Wei Lai, Kung Shiuh Lau, Pui May Chou, CdSe/TiO2 Nanotubes for enhanced photoelectrochemical activity under solar illumination: Influence of soaking time in CdSe bath solution, Chemical Physics Letters, Accepted, (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2018.10.054 (ISI-Indexed)

    16.    Xin Hui Yau, Cheng Seong Khe, Mohamed Shuaib Mohamed Saheed, Chin Wei Lai, Effect on the Formation of Magnetite Reduced Graphene Oxide with Controlled Stirring Duration, MATEC Web of Conferences, 202, Article Number: 01003, (2018). (SCOPUS-Indexed)

    17.    Tong Ling Tan, Chin Wei Lai, Sok Lai Hong, Suraya Abdul Rashid, New insights into the photocatalytic endocrine disruptors dimethyl phathalate esters degradation by UV/MWCNTs-TiO2 nanocomposites, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 364, pp. 177-189, (2018). (ISI-Indexed)

    18.    Syazwan Hanani Meriam Suhaimy, Chin Wei Lai, Hairul Anuar Tajuddin, Emy Marlina Samsudin, Mohd Rafie Johan, Impact of TiO2 nanotubes’ morphology on the photocatalytic degradation of simazine pollutant, Materials, 11, pp. 2066-2081, (2018). (ISI-Indexed)

    19.    Ru Bin Lee, Joon Ching Juan, Chin Wei Lai, Kian Mun Lee, The relationship between iron and Ilmenite for photocatalyst degradation. Advanced Powder Technology, 29(8), pp. 1779-1786, (2018). (ISI-Indexed)

    20.    Bao Lee Phoon, Chin Wei Lai, Guan-Ting Pan, Thomas C.-K. Yang, Joon Ching Juan, One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of strontium titanate nanoparticles photoelectrode using electrophoretic deposition for enhancing photoelectrochemical water splitting, Ceramics International, 44(8), pp. 9923-9933, (2018). (ISI-Indexed)

    21.    Kian Mun Lee, Chin Wei Lai, Joon Ching Juan, Stability of custom-designed photoreactor for photocatalytic degradation of reactive black 5 dye using zinc oxide, Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology, 53(7), pp. 462-467, (2018). (ISI-Indexed)

    More Info.
    Christoforos G. Kokotos
    Assistant Professor
    National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

    Christoforos G. Kokotos is an Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, with undergraduate studies at the University of Athens, PhD studies at the University of Bristol, UK (Prof. Varinder Aggarwal) and post-doctoral studies at Princeton University, USA (Prof. David W. C. MacMillan). His research interests focus on the development of novel asymmetric organocatalytic methodologies, green and sustainable organocatalytic oxidations, Photocatalysis, their application in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, compounds of biological importance and natural products and the study of the mechanisms of organic transformations employing modern techniques, like HRMS. He is co-author of 71 peer-reviewed papers, 4 book chapters, 2 patents, >40 presentations in conferences. He is the recipient of prestigious awards, like the Hildergard-Zervas Award, Academy of Athens (2016 and 2018), JSP fellowship for the Burgenstock Conference (2016), Young Investigators Workshop (3 times representing Greece, 2014, 2017 and 2018) and ACS Young Academic Investigators Award (2014, representing Europe).

    Research Interest: Organic Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Green Chemistry

    Grants: (1) Research Funding Scheme Post-doc, “PEPCAT-Novel Organocatalysts Based on Peptides and Amino Acids and their Application in Asymmetric Organic Transformations”, General Secretariat for Research and Development (2012-2015, 150.000 €).

    (2) Organocatalysis – ORCA, Cost Action CM0905 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2011-2014), Management Committee Substitute and co-Organizer of the third ORCA meeting in Athens, 2012. Action Chair: Prof. P. Pihko, University of Jyvskyl, Finland.

    (3) Research Proposal Funding Scheme, John Latsis Foundation “PhotoOrganocatalysis: Development of new environmentally-friendly methods for the synthesis of compounds for the pharmaceutical and chemical industry” (2015, 12.000€).

    (4) C-H Activation in Organic Synthesis – CHAOS, Cost Action CM15106 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2016-2020), Management Committee Substitute. Action Chair: Prof. M. Schnurch, Technical University of Vienna, Austria.

    (5) Fellowship for PhD programme, Ms Errika Voutyritsa, State Scholarships Foundation (IKY), 2016.

    (6) Fellowship for PhD programme, Ms Ierasia Triandafillidi, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (ELIDEK), 2017.

    (7) Fellowship for PhD programme, Mr Nikolaos Nikitas, State Scholarships Foundation, 2018.

    (8) European Network on Pseudomyxoma Peritonei – PMP, Cost Action CA17101 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2019-2023), Management Committee Member. Action Chair: Prof. Kjersti Flatmark, Oslo University Hospital, Norway.

    (9) Chemobrionics, Cost Action CA17120 funded by the intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and technology (2019-2023), Management Committee Member. Action Chair: Prof. Julyan Cartwright, CSIC Granada, Spain.

    (10) Fellowship for PhD programme, Ms Nikoleta Spiliopoulou, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (ELIDEK), 2019.

    (11) Research Funding Scheme Teams of Young Investigators, “Green and Sustainable Organocatalysis: Novel Epoxidation reactions and their application in Chemical Industry”, General Secretariat for Research and Development (2019-2021, 50.000 €).

    List of Publications:1.    “Photoorganocatalytic Synthesis of Acetals from Aldehydes” N. F. Nikitas, I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, Green Chem., 2019, 21, 669-674. (citations: 0) (Impact factor: 8.59)

    2.    “Enantioselective Organocatalytic Enamine C-H Oxidation/Diels-Alder Reaction” Z. Dzambaski, D.-I. Tzaras, S. Lee, C. G. Kokotos and B. P. Bondzic*, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2019, 361, 1792-1797. (citations: 0) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    3.    “Photocatalytic Atom Transfer Radical Addition to Olefins utilizing Novel Photocatalysts” E. Voutyritsa, I. Triandafillidi, N. V. Tzouras, N. F. Nikitas, E. K. Pefkianakis, G. C. Vougioukalakis and C. G. Kokotos*, Molecules, 2019, 24, 1644-1653. (citations: 0) (Impact factor: 3.09)

    4.    “Photocatalytic Synthesis of γ-Lactones from Alkenes: High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry as a Tool to Study Photoredox Reactions” I. Triandafillidi, M. G. Kokotou and C. G. Kokotos*, Org. Lett., 2018, 20, 36-39. (citations: 8) (Impact factor: 6.49)

    5.    “Organocatalytic Synthesis of Oxazolines and Dihydrooxazines from Allyl-Amides: Bypassing the Inherent Regioselectivity of the Cyclization” A. Theodorou, I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2018, 360, 951-957. (citations: 0) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    6.    “Green Photo-Organocatalytic C−H Activation of Aldehydes: Selective Hydroacylation of Electron-Deficient Alkenes” G. N. Papadopoulos, E. Voutyritsa, N. Kaplaneris and C. G. Kokotos*, Chem. Eur. J., 2018, 24, 1726-1731. (citations: 2) (Impact factor: 5.16)

    7.    “Expanding the Scope of Photocatalysis: Atom Transfer Radical Addition of Bromoacetonitrile to Aliphatic Olefins” E. Voutyritsa, I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 2466-2470. (citations: 1) (Impact factor: 4.67)

    8.    “Photoorganocatalysis, Small Organic Molecules and Light in the Service of Organic Synthesis: the Awakening of a Sleeping Giant” I. K. Sideri, E. Voutyritsa and C. G. Kokotos*, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2018, 16, 4596-4614. Invited Review. (citations: 7) (Impact factor: 3.56)

    9.    “Combining Οrganocatalysis with Photoorganocatalysis: Photocatalytic Hydroacylation of Asymmetric Organocatalytic Michael Addition Products” A. Schiza, N. Spiliopoulou,  A. Shahu and C. G. Kokotos*, New J. Chem., 2018, 42, 18844-18849. (citations: 7) (Impact factor: 3.28)

    10.    “Proline Dipeptides Containing Fluorine Moieties as Organocatalysts for the Asymmetric Aldol Reaction” A. Ahmetlli, N. Spiliopoulou, A. Magi-Oikonomopoulou, D.-T. Gerokonstantis, P. Moutevelis-Minakakis* and C. G. Kokotos*, Tetrahedron, 2018, 74, 5987-5995. (citations: 0) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    11.    “Green Organocatalytic Oxidative Methods using Activated Ketones” I. Triandafillidi, D. I. Tzaras, and C. G. Kokotos*, ChemCatChem, 2018, 10, 2521-2535. (citations: 1) (Impact factor: 4.67)

    12.    “Combining Prolinamides with 2-Pyrrolidinone: Novel Organocatalysts for the Asymmetric Aldol Reaction” I. Vlasserou, M. Sfetsa, D. T. Gerokonstantis, C. G. Kokotos* and P. Moutevelis-Minakakis*, Tetrahedron, 2018, 74, 2338-2349. (citations: 3) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    13.    “Photoorganocatalytic Atom Transfer Radical Addition of Bromoacetonitrile to Aliphatic Olefins” E. Voutyritsa, N. F. Nikitas, M. K. Apostolopoulou, A. D. D. Gerogiannopoulou and C. G. Kokotos*, Synthesis, 2018, 50, 3395-3401. Invited Contribution for Special Issue: Photoredox Methods and their Strategic Applications in Synthesis (citations: 0) (Impact factor: 2.72).

    14.    “Green Photoorganocatalytic Synthesis of Phenols from Arylboronic Acids” I. K. Sideri, E. Voutyritsa and C. G. Kokotos*, Synlett, 2018, 29, 1324-1328. Invited Contribution for Special Issue: 9th EuCheMS Organic Division Young Investigator Workshop (citations: 3) (Impact factor: 2.37)

    15.    “Organocatalytic Synthesis of Lactones by the Oxidation of Alkenoic Acids” I. Triandafillidi, M. Raftopoulou, A. Savvidou, and C. G. Kokotos*, ChemCatChem, 2017, 9, 4120-4124. (citations: 3) (Impact factor: 4.67)

    16.    “Photoorganocatalytic Synthesis of Lactones via a Selective C–H Activation–alkylation of Alcohols” N. Kaplaneris, A. Bisticha, G. N. Papadopoulos, D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 4451-4456. (citations: 11) (Impact factor: 8.59)

    17.    “Visible-Light-Mediated Catalytic Hydroacylation of Dialkyl Azodicarboxylates by Graphite Flakes” G. S. Koutoulogenis, M. G. Kokotou, E. Voutyritsa, D. Limnios, C. G. Kokotos*, Org Lett., 2017, 19, 1760-1763. (citations: 11) (Impact factor: 6.49)

    18.    “Organocatalytic Oxidation of Substituted Anilines to Azoxybenzenes and Nitro Compounds: Mechanistic Studies Excluding the Involvement of a Dioxirane Intermediate” E. Voutyritsa, A. Theodorou, M. G. Kokotou and C. G. Kokotos*, Green Chem., 2017, 1291-1298. (citations: 14) (Impact factor: 8.59) 2017 Green Chemistry Hot

    19.    “Green Organocatalytic Synthesis of Indolines and Pyrrolidines from Alkenes” A. Theodorou and C. G. Kokotos*, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2017, 359, 1577-1581. (citations: 9) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    20.    “Green Organocatalytic Synthesis of Isoxazolines via a One-Pot Oxidation of Allyloximes” I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, Org. Lett., 2017, 19, 106-109. (citations: 17) (Impact factor: 6.49)

    21.    “Photoinitiated Thiol-Ene “Click” Reaction: An Organocatalytic Alternative” D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2017, 19, 1291-1298. (citations: 20) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    22.    “Organocatalytic Synthesis of Polysubstituted Tetrahydrofurans from Alkenes” A. Theodorou and C. G. Kokotos*, Green Chem., 2017, 19, 670-674. (citations: 11) (Impact factor: 8.59)

    23.    “Green Organocatalytic Dihydroxylation of Alkenes” A. Theodorou, I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2017, 11, 1502-1509. (citations: 5) (Impact factor: 2.88)

    24.    “Green Organocatalytic Synthesis of Dihydrobenzofurans by Oxidation-Cyclization of Allylphenols” I. Triandafillidi, I. K. Sideri, D. I. Tzaras, N. Spiliopoulou and C. G. Kokotos*, Synthesis, 2017, 49, 4254-4260. Invited Contribution for Special Issue: Modern Strategies in Cyclization Reactions (citations: 2) (Impact factor: 2.77).

    25.    “Green Organocatalytic Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfoxides and Sulfones” E. Voutyritsa, I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, Synthesis, 2017, 49, 917-924. Invited Contribution for Burgenstock Conference (citations: 13) (Impact factor: 2.77).

    26.    “Enantioselective Organocatalytic Synthesis of 2-Oxopiperazines from Aldehydes: Identification of the Elusive Epoxy Lactone Intermediate” N. Kaplaneris, C. Spyropoulos, M. G. Kokotou and C. G. Kokotos*, Org. Lett., 2016, 18, 5800-5803. (citations: 5) (Impact factor: 6.49)

    27.    “One-pot Amide Bond Formation from Aldehydes and Amines via a Photoorganocatalytic Activation of Aldehydes” G. N. Papadopoulos and C. G. Kokotos*, J. Org. Chem., 2016, 81, 7023-7028. (citations: 17) (Impact factor: 4.81)

    28.    “Photoorganocatalytic One-pot Synthesis of Hydroxamic Acids from Aldehydes” G. N. Papadopoulos and C. G. Kokotos*, Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22, 6964-6967. (citations: 27) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    29.    “Green Organocatalytic α-Hydroxylation of Ketones” E. Voutyritsa, A. Theodorou and C. G. Kokotos*, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2016, 14, 5708-5713. Invited Article for the Special Thematic issue “New Talent in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry”. (citations: 10) (Impact factor: 3.56)

    30.    “(Thio)urea-mediated Synthesis of Functionalized Six-membered Rings with Multiple Chiral Centers” G. Koutoulogenis, N. Kaplaneris and C. G. Kokotos*, Beilstein J. Org. Chem., 2016, 12, 462-495. Invited Article for the Special issue “Multifunctional Organocatalysis”. (citations: 19) (Impact factor: 2.76)

    31.    “4-Fluoro and 4-Hydroxy Pyrrolidine-thioxotetrahydropyrimidinones: Organocatalysts for Green Asymmetric Transformations in Brine” N. Kaplaneris, G. Koutoulogenis, M. Raftopoulou and C. G. Kokotos*, J. Org. Chem., 2015, 80, 5464-6473. (citations: 21) (Impact factor: 4.81)

    32.    “tert-Butyl Esters of Peptides as Organocatalysts for the Asymmetric Aldol Reaction” A. Bisticha, I. Triandafillidi and C. G. Kokotos*, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2015, 26, 102-108. (citations: 15) (Impact factor: 2.13)

    33.    “One-pot Synthesis of O-Allylhydroxylamines through the Organocatalytic Oxidation of Tertiary Allylic Amines followed by a [2,3]-Meisenheimer Rearrangement” A. Theodorou, D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 5238-5241. (citations: 20) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    34.    “tert-Butyl Ester or Benzylamide of the Dipeptide Pro-Gly as Organocatalysts for the Asymmetric Aldol Reaction” I. Triandafillidi, A. Bisticha, E. Voutyritsa, G. Galiatsatou and C. G. Kokotos*, Tetrahedron, 2015, 71, 932-940. (citations: 20) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    35.    “Conjugating Proline Derivatives onto Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes: Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Activity in Water” D. D. Chronopoulos, C. G. Kokotos, M. Tsakos, N. Karousis, G. Kokotos and N. Tagmatarchis, Mat. Lett., 2015, 157, 212-214. (citations: 5) (Impact factor: 2.69)

    36.    “Functionalized Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in an Aldol Reactions” D. D. Chronopoulos, C. G. Kokotos, N. Karousis, G. Kokotos* and N. Tagmatarchis*, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 2750-2757. (citations: 8) (Impact factor: 7.23)

    37.    “Organocatalytic Oxidation Reactions” D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, Current Organocatalysis, 2015, 2, 171-190. (citations: 3) (Impact factor: -)

    38.    “Fullerene-proline Hybrids: Synthesis, Characterization and Organocatalytic Properties in Aldol Reactions” D. D. Chronopoulos, M. Tsakos, N. Karousis, C. G. Kokotos* and N. Tagmatarchis*, Mat. Lett., 2014, 137, 343-346. (citations: 11) (Impact factor: 2.69)

    39.    “Photoorganocatalytic Hydroacylation of Dialkyl Azodicarboxylates by utilizing Activated Ketones as Photocatalysts” G. N. Papadopoulos, D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 13811-13814. (citations: 24) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    40.    “2,2,2-Trifluoroacetophenone: An Organocatalyst for an Environmentally Friendly Epoxidation of Alkenes” D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, J. Org. Chem., 2014, 79, 4270-4276. (citations: 37). Feature Article, ACS Editors Choice Article, Top Read Article for the last 12 months, Highlighted at TCI catalogue for 2,2,2-trifluoroacetophenone. (Impact factor: 4.81)

    41.    “One-pot Synthesis of Ureas from Boc-Protected Amines” C. Spyropoulos and C. G. Kokotos*, J. Org. Chem., 2014, 79, 4477-4483. (citations: 30) (Impact factor: 4.81)

    42.    “2,2,2-Trifluoroacetophenone as an Organocatalyst for the Oxidation of Tertiary Amines and Azines to N-Oxides” D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, Chem. Eur. J., 2014, 20, 559-563. (citations: 34) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    43.    “tert-Butyl Esters of Tripeptides based on Pro-Phe as Organocatalysts for the Asymmetric Aldol Reaction in Aqueous or Organic Medium” A. Psarra, C. G. Kokotos* and P. Moutevelis-Minakakis*, Tetrahedron, 2014, 70, 608-615. (citations: 29) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    44.    “Primary and Secondary Amine-(thio)ureas and Squaramides and their Applications in Asymmetric Organocatalysis” M. Tsakos and C. G. Kokotos*, Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 10199-10222. (citations: 91) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    45.    “Organocatalytic Oxidation of Organosilanes to Silanols” D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, ACS Catalysis, 2013, 3, 2239-2243. (citations: 33) (Impact factor: 11.38)

    46.    “β-tert-Butyl Aspartate as an Organocatalyst for the Asymmetric α-Amination of α,α-Disubstituted Aldehydes” A. Theodorou, G. N. Papadopoulos and C. G. Kokotos*, Tetrahedron, 2013, 69, 5438-5443. (citations: 23) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    47.    “An Asymmetric Michael Addition of α,α-Disubstituted Aldehydes to Maleimides leading to a One-pot Enantioselective Synthesis of Lactones Catalyzed by Amino Acids” C. G. Kokotos*, Org. Lett., 2013, 15, 2406-2409. (citations: 49) (Impact factor: 6.49)

    48.    “Microwave-Assisted Organocatalytic Cross-Aldol Condensation of Aldehydes” D. Limnios and C. G. Kokotos*, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 4496-4499. (citations: 16) (Impact factor: 2.94)

    49.    “Organocatalytic Asymmetric Domino Michael-Henry Reaction for the Synthesis of Substituted Bicyclo[3.2.1]octan-2-ones” M. Tsakos, M. R. J. Elsegood and C. G. Kokotos*, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 2219-2221. (citations: 45) (Impact factor: 6.29)

    50.    “Novel Prolinamide-Ureas as Organocatalysts for the Asymmetric Aldol Reaction” P. Revelou, C. G. Kokotos* and P. Moutevelis-Minakakis*, Tetrahedron, 2012, 68, 8732-8738. (citations: 28) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    51.    “Pyrrolidine-thioxotetrahydropyrimidinone as an Efficient Organocatalyst for the Enantioselective Michael Addition of Cyclic Ketones to Nitrodienes” M. Tsakos. M. Trifonidou and C. G. Kokotos*, Tetrahedron, 2012, 68, 8630-8635. (citations: 13) (Impact factor: 2.65)

    52.    “A Tripeptide-like Prolinamide-Thiourea as an Aldol Reaction Catalyst” S. Fotaras, C. G. Kokotos and G. Kokotos, Org. Biomol. Chem., 2012, 10, 5613-5619. (citations: 35) (Impact factor: 3.56) 

    53.    “Primary Amine-Thioureas with Improved Catalytic Properties for “Difficult” Michael Reactions. Efficient Organocatalytic Syntheses of (S)-, (R)-Baclofen and (S)-Phenibut” M. Tsakos, C. G. Kokotos and G. Kokotos, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2012, 354, 740-746. (citations: 47) (Impact factor: 5.12)

    54.    “Enantioselective Organocatalytic α-Alkylation of Ketones Utilising SN-1 Type Reaction of Alcohols” M. Trifonidou and C. G. Kokotos*, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2012, 1563-1568. (citations: 33) (Impact factor: 2.88)

    55.    “Construction of Tertiary Alcohols Bearing Perfluoroalkyl Chains Catalyzed by Prolinamide-Thioureas” C. G. Kokotos*, J. Org. Chem., 2012, 77, 1131-1135. (citations: 46) (Impact factor: 4.81)

    56.    “Organocatalytic “Difficult” Michael Reaction of Ketones with Nitrodienes Utilising Primary Amine-Thioureas Based on di-tert-Butyl Esters of Aspartic Acid” M. Tsakos and C. G. Kokotos*, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2012, 576-580. (citations: 24) (Impact factor: 2.88)

    57.    “Novel Pyrrolidine-thiohydantoins/thioxotetrahydropyrimidinones as Highly Effective Catalysts for the Asymmetric Michael Addition” C. G. Kokotos, D. Limnios, D. Triggidou, M. Trifonidou and G. Kokotos, Org. Biom. Chem., 2011, 9, 3386-3395. (citations: 37) (Impact factor: 3.56) 

    58.    “Prolinamides bearing Thiourea Groups as Catalysts for Asymmetric Aldol Reactions” S. Fotaras, C. G. Kokotos, E. Tsandi and G. Kokotos, Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2011, 1310-1317. (citations: 50) (Impact factor: 2.88)

    59.    “Potent and Selective Fluoroketone Inhibitors of Group VIA Calcium-independent Phospholipase A2” G. Kokotos, Y.-H. Hsu, J. Burke, C. Baskakis, C. G. Kokotos, V. Magrioti and E. A. Dennis, J. Med. Chem., 2010, 53, 3602-3610. (citations: 53) (Impact factor: 6.26)

    60.    “Interactions at the Bilayer Interface and Receptor Site Induced by the Novel Synthetic Pyrrolidinone Analog MMK3” C. Fotakis, S. Gega, E. Siapi, C. Potamitis, K. Viras, P. Moutevelis-Minakakis, C. G. Kokotos, S. Durdagi, S. Golic Grdadolnik, B. Sartori, M. Rappolt and T. Mavromoustakos, Biochim. Biophys. Acta Biomembranes, 2010, 1798, 422-432. (citations: 23) (Impact factor: 3.44) 

    61.    “Bacillus subtilis Esterase (BS2) and its Double Mutant have Different Selectivity in the Removal of Carboxyl Protecting Groups” E. Barbayianni, C. G. Kokotos, S. Bartsch, C. Drakou, U. Bornscheuer and G. Kokotos, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2009, 351, 2325-2332. (citations: 10) (Impact factor: 5.12) 

    62.    “Primary Amine-thioureas based on tert-Butyl Esters of Natural Amino Acids as Organocatalysts for the Michael Reaction” C. G. Kokotos and G. Kokotos, Adv. Synth. Catal., 2009, 351, 1355-1362. (citations: 71) (Impact factor: 5.12) 

    63.    “Sulfonamides of Homoproline and Dipeptides as Organocatalysts for Michael and Aldol Reactions” E. Tsandi, C. G. Kokotos, S. Kousidou, V. Ragoussis and G. Kokotos, Tetrahedron, 2009, 65, 1444-1449. (citations: 50) (Impact factor: 2.65) 

    64.    “Synthesis of Medicinally Interesting Polyfluoro Ketones via Perfluoroalkyl Lithium Reagents” C. G. Kokotos, C. Baskakis and G. Kokotos, J. Org. Chem., 2008, 73, 8623-8626. (citations: 24) (Impact factor: 4.81)

    65.    “Sulfur Ylide Mediated Three-component Aziridination and Epoxidation Reactions using Vinyl Sulfonium Salts” C. G. Kokotos, E. M. McGarrigle and V. K. Aggarwal, Synlett, 2008, 2191-2195, highlighted in Synfacts, 2008, 11, 1142. (citations: 24) (Impact factor: 2.37)

    66.    “Aminals as Substrates for Sulfur Ylides: A Synthesis of Functionalised Aziridines and N-Heterocycles” C. G. Kokotos and V. K. Aggarwal, Org. Lett., 2007, 9, 2099-2102. (citations: 39) (Impact factor: 6.49)

    67.    “A Practical Synthesis of a [2.2.1] Bicyclic Chiral Sulfide for Asymmetric Transformations” V. K. Aggarwal, G. Fang, C. G. Kokotos, J. Richardson and M. G. Unthank, Tetrahedron, 2006, 62, 11297-11303. (citations: 26) (Impact factor: 2.65)  

    68.    “Hemi-aminals as Substrates for Sulfur Ylides: Direct Asymmetric Syntheses of Functionalised Pyrrolidines and Piperidines” C. G. Kokotos and V. K. Aggarwal, Chem. Commun., 2006, 2156-2158. (citations: 42) (Impact factor: 6.29)   

    69.    “Synthesis, Binding Studies, and in vivo Biological Evaluation of Novel non-Peptide Antihypertensive Analogues” T. Mavromoustakos, P. Moutevelis-Minakakis, C. G. Kokotos, P. Kontogianni, A. Politi, P. Zoumpoulakis, J. Findlay, A. Cox, A. Balmforth, A. Zoga and E. Iliodromitis, Bioorg. Med. Chem., 2006, 14, 4353-4360. (citations: 21) (Impact factor: 2.79)

    70.    “Systemic and Intrathecal Effects of a Novel Series of Phospholipase A2 Inhibitors on Hyperalgesia and Spinal PGE2 Release” T. L. Yaksh, G. Kokotos, C. I. Svensson, D. Stephens, C. G. Kokotos, B. Fitzsimmons, D. Hadjipavlou-Litina, X. Y. Hua and E. A. Dennis, J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 2006, 316, 466-475. (citations: 56) (Impact factor: 3.87)

    71.    “Synthesis and Activity of 2-Oxoamides containing Long Chain β-Amino Acids” V. Constantinou-Kokotou, A. Peristeraki, C. G. Kokotos, D. A. Six and E. A. Dennis, J. Peptide Sci., 2005, 11, 431-435. (citations: 18) (Impact factor: 1.55)

    More Info.
    Xianfeng Fan
    Chair of Particulate Materials Processing, Professor, Deputy director of chemical engineering
    School of Engineering
    The University of Edinburgh

    Research Interest: Photocatalysis, colloid and interfacial phenomenon, CO2 capture and storage, multiphase flow in porous materials,

     i) 5.2018-5.2020, UGC-UKIERI, £50000, Novel EOR technique for the depleted oil reservoirs of Upper Assam Basin with simultaneous CO2 Capture and Sequestration. (PI)
    (ii) 10.2017-9.2018, EPSRC, £10000, EPSRC Formulations for collaboration with the University of Nottingham
    (iii) 8.2016 - 7.2019, EPSRC, EP/N024672/1, £1,226,534, A compact CO2 capture process to combat industrial emissions.
    (iv) 2013 - 9. 2015 Royal Society of Edinburgh, Removal of SOx and NOx from fossil fuel combustion, £11,600.
    (v) 1.2013 - 4.2016, EPSRC, EP/J019720/1, £832,807, Feasibility of a wetting layer absorption carbon capture process based on chemical solvents. For this project, I supervised a research associate working on microwave swing adsorption for CO2 capture.
    (vi) 2012-2013, Royal Academy of Engineering, Study on phosphorylated hollow silica / polysulfone hybrid membrane for the treatment of wastewater containing oil, £24000.
    (vii) 2011-2014, EPSRC, EP/I010939/1, £664,440, FOCUS – Fundamentals of Optimised Capture Using Solids: circulating fluidised bed CO2 capture processes for coal-fired power plants based on amine-functionalised adsorbents.
    (viii) 10/2011 - 9/2014, PhD studentship, Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Transport of three phase flow in porous media for CO2 storage and enhanced oil recovery, £60,000.
    (ix) 2010-2011 Research Grant from the Royal Society, £17,745,

    URL: https://www.eng.ed.ac.uk/about/people/dr-xianfeng-fan

    List of Publications

    1.    C. Chao, X. Jin, L. Teng, A.A. Stokes, X. Fan, Bubble Dislodgment in a Capillary Network with Microscopic Multichannels and Multibifurcation Features, Langmuir, 2019, DOI: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.8b03323

    2.    E Al-Zaidi, X Fan*, Liquid CO2 behaviour during water displacement in a sandstone core sample, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 62, 259-274, 2019

    3.    C Chao, G Xu, X Fan*, Effect of surface tension, viscosity, pore geometry and pore contact angle on effective pore throat, Chemical Engineering Science, 197, 269-279, 2019

    4.    E Al-Zaidi, K Edlmann, X Fan*, Gaseous CO2 behaviour during water displacement in a sandstone core sample, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 80, 32-42, 2019

    5.    C Chao, X Xu, SO Kwelle, X Fan*, Significance of gas-liquid interfaces for two-phase flows in micro-channels, Chemical Engineering Science 192, 114-125, 2018

    6.    E Al-Zaidi, X Fan*, K Edlmann, Supercritical CO2 behaviour during water displacement in a sandstone core sample, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 79, 200-211, 2018

    7.    F Bougie, X Fan*, Microwave regeneration of monoethanolamine aqueous solutions used for CO2 capture, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 79, 165-172, 2018

    8.    L Liu, H Chen, E Shiko, X Fan, Y Zhou, G Zhang, X Luo, XE Hu, Low-cost DETA impregnation of acid-activated sepiolite for CO2 capture, Chemical Engineering Journal 353, 940-948, 2018

    9.    E Al-Zaidi, J Nash, X Fan*, Effect of CO2 phase on its water displacements in a sandstone core sample, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 71, 227-238, 2018

    10.    E Al-Zaidi, X Fan*, Effect of aqueous electrolyte concentration and valency on contact angle on flat glass surfaces and inside capillary glass tubes, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 543, 1-8, 2018

    11.    E Al-Zaidi, X Fan*, K Edlmann, The Effect of CO2 Phase on Oil Displacement in a Sandstone Core Sample, Fluids 3 (1), 23-, 2018

    12.    Y. Guo*, H. Wu, X. Fan*, L. Zhoua, Q. Chen, Palladium composite membrane fabricated on rough porous alumina tube without intermediate layer for hydrogen separation, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 9958–9965, 2017.

    13.    Y. Guo, Y. Jin, H Wu, D. Li, X. Fan, Direct synthesis of propylene oxide using hydrogen peroxide in a membrane reactor, Chemical Papers, 71, 49-57, 2017

    14.    S.J. McGurk, C.F. Martín, S. Brandani, M.B. Sweatman, X. Fan*, Microwave Swing Regeneration of Aqueous Monoethanolamine for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture, Applied Energy, 192, 126–133, 2017

    15.    S. Farrukh, X. Fan, A. Hussain, A comparative CO2 adsorption analysis in pure and amine modified composite membranes. Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 56, 1158–1166, 2017

    16.    C.F. Martín, M.B. Sweatman, S. Brandani, X. Fan*, Wet impregnation of a commercial low cost silica using DETA for a fast post-combustion CO2 capture process, Applied Energy, 183, 1705–1721, 2016.

    17.    Dne. Nagy, D. Nagy, I.M Szilagyicd, X. Fan*, Effect of the morphology and phases of WO3 nanocrystals on their photocatalytic efficiency, RSC Adv. 6, 33743, 2016. 1 citation.

    18.    D Nagy, T Firkala, X Fan†, I.M. Szilágyi, A study of the effect of the morphology on the photocatalytic activity of WO3,  Eur. Chem. Bull., 5, 40-42, 2016

    19.    S. Hafeez, X. Fan†, A. Hussain, C.F. Martín, CO2 adsorption using TiO2 composite polymeric membranes: A kinetic study, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 35, 163-171, 2015. 2 citations.

    20.    X. Li, X. Fan*, Effect of CO2 phase on contact angle in oil-wet and water-wet pores, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 36, 106-113, 2015. 8 citations.

    21.    X. Li, H. Fan, X. Fan*, Effect of chemical structure of organics on pore wetting, Chemical Engineering Science, 137, 458-465, 2015. 1 citation

    22.    S. Hafeez, X. Fan†, A. Hussain, A Kinetic Study of CO2 Adsorption in Cellulose Acetate Membranes, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, 6, 755-759, 2015.

    More Info.
    Suresh Aluviahara
    Postgraduate Scholar
    Department of Chemical and Process Engineering
    University of Peradeniya
    Sri Lanka

    Mr. Suresh Aluvihara is a postgraduate scholar at department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Peradeniya. When considering his academic profile that he has obtained a B.Sc. (Hons) in Mineral Resources Technology and currently he is studying for his M.Sc. degree in Environmental Engineering at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. According to his study scope that he has studied Mineral Sciences, Earth Science, Water Science and relevant aspects such as the Environmental Science and Engineering.

    Apart from that he is having some research and publication experiences in some reputed journals and conferences as an author and also with the reviewing experiences in some of recognized journals and one leading guest editor in one of journal with high impact factor. 

    Research Interest: Mineral Science, Earth Science, Water Science and Environmental Engineering

    More Info.
    Nelson Oshogwue Etafo
    Material Science and Technology department
    Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila

    Nelson O. Etafo is a doctorate graduate of the and a CONAHCYT fellow in the department of material science and Technology department, facultad de ciencias químicas, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Saltillo Coahuila México under the supervision of Dr Carlos Eduardo Rodriguez Garcia and Dr Jorge Oliva Uc. He has research experience in Photoluminescence and photodegradation properties of Inorganic solid hosts with lanthanides as dopants. He has skills in structural simulations, morphological (SEM & TEM), optical and Photoluminescence properties.

    Further research skills in rubber compounding and characterization with potential application. He has attended more than 5 International and local conferences to present his investigations. He has publications in reputable journals like Elservir, etc.

    He is also a member of association such as American Chemical Society (ACS), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and Chemical Society of Nigeria (CSN). He is also the founder of "The chemistry class with Nelson Etafo", a Facebook page with over 46,000 followers.

    He is a Nigerian-born Educator who has taught chemistry at various level and served as examiner with National bodies like WAEC, NECO. He was a Chemistry Tutor in The Bridge College and Cambridege Standard Institute, both sister schools in Abeokuta Ogun state Nigeria for 7 years with exceptional academic results including IGCSE and CIE Chemistry.

    He was also a highly in-demand chemistry consultant to schools like Foursquare international secondary school, and Elyon Leadership College Academy, both in Abeokuta Ogun state Nigeria etc. Nelson is a critical thinker, with collaboration and problem solving skills

    Research Interest: 

    Photoluminescence, photocatalysis

    More Info.
    Song Gao
    Research Assistant Professor
    The University of Houston

    Research Interest: Drug absorption, metabolism, and pharmacokinetics, Bioanalysis of small and large molecules, Medicinal chemistry,Quality control of herbal medicines or dietary supplements

    More Info.
    Dahlene Fusco
    Department of Medicine
    Massachusetts General Hospital
    More Info.
    Jayakanth Kankanala
    Center for Drug Design
    University of Minnesota
    More Info.
    Radhey S Srivastava
    Department of Chemistry
    University of Louisiana

    Research Interest: "Organometallic: Transition Metal-catalyzed Nitrogenation of Hydrocarbons; edicinal Inorganic Chemistry: Ruthenium-based Metallopharmaceuticals; Renewable Biomass Energy: Metal-catalyzed Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass for fuels and value-added chemicals"

    More Info.
    Zhe Zhang
    Department of Radiology
    Weill Cornell Medicine

    Research Interest: Organic chemistry, molecular imaging and bioorganic chemistry, including organofluorine chemistry, asymmetric synthesis and catalysis, and the relevant mechanistic studies using various physical organic chemistry tools,   molecular imaging, PET/Fluorescence/MRI multi modality imaging, inhibited tumor growth suppresion, and nanoparticle assembled drug delivery

    More Info.
    Victor Starov
    Department of Chemical Engineering
    Loughborough University
    More Info.
    Ahmed F M El-Mahdy
    Department of Pharmaceutical Health Sciences
    Nagasaki University

    Research Interest: Highly efficient chemical synthesis, discovery of new types of drugs and discovery of catalyst and its application. In addition, I interest to synthesis new classes of dendrimer-like polymeric DNA, polymers and its application for chemiluminescence detection of target DNA and delivery of siRNA. I have experience of a wide range of techniques as applied to Medicinal chemistry, including medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, analytical chemistry, spectroscopy, synthetic chemistry and synthetic biology

    More Info.
    Gianna Palmieri
    Research Staff Scientist
    CNR Institute

    Research Interest: Protein Chemistry, Proteomic, Enzymology and Molecular Biology

    More Info.
    Roberta Ettari
    Assistant Professor
    Medicinal Chemistry
    University of Messina

    Research Interest: Medicinal Chemistry; Peptidomimetics;  Enzyme Inhibitors;  Negleted Tropical Diseases; Cysteine Protease; Rhodesain; Falcipain-2; Antitumor Agents; Proteasome.

    More Info.
    Antonino Tuttolomondo
    Assistant Professor
    Internal Medicine and Biomedical
    University of Palermo

    Research Interest: Ischemic Stroke, Diabetic Foot, Anderson-Fabry Disease, Congestive Heart Failure.

    More Info.
    Adriano Mollica
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmacy
    University of Chieti - Pescara

    Research Interest: Medicinal Chemistry.

    More Info.
    Ramiro Felipe Quijano Quinones
    Research Profesor
    University of Yucatan

    Research Interest: QSAR, DFT, Transition State Theory, Ab initio Methods, electronic structure, reactivity indices

    More Info.
    R Rishabha
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmacy
    More Info.
    Gokhan Eraslan
    More Info.
    Ewa Klosinska-Szmurlo
    Department of Drug Chemistry
    Medical University of Warsaw

    Research Interest: Pharmacokinetics, drug development,  Medicinal chemistry,  Computational chemistry methods.

    More Info.
    Jozef Oleksyszyn
    Division of Medicinal Chemistry and Microbiology
    Wroclaw University of Technology

    Research Interest: New approaches for the anticancer therapies, enzyme inhibitors as a new drugs, including new antibacterial drugs, inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes as a new drug generation.

    More Info.
    Chang-Wei Hsieh
    Department of Medicinal Botanicals and Health Applications
    Da-Yeh University

    Research Interest: Food Processing, health food and cosmetics, Research of Chinese herbal medicine research, Agricultural biotechnology, Supercritical fluid, and Mycology

    More Info.
    Sayed Imam Mohamed Zayed
    Department of Chemistry
    Taif University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Ion selective electrodes techniques,Voltammetric techniques,Spectrophotometric techniques,Chemometric techniques for simultaneous determination of mixtures.

    More Info.
    Awwad Abdoh Radwan Salama
    Pharmaceutical Technology Center
    King Saud University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Molecular modelling and computer-aided drug design,Synthesis and characterisation of biologicaly active heterocyclic compounds.

    More Info.
    Mohammad Nahid Siddiqui
    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Residue upgrading, whole crude upgrading, desulphurization and demetallation of crudes and their fractions,Chemistry of asphaltenes, crude oils, asphalt and their fractions. Aging and polymer modification studies of asphalts. Recycling of waste plastics, degradation of organic pollutants.

    More Info.
    Abubakr M. Idris
    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    King Khalid University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: General analytical chemistry; Pharmaceutical, pharmacological and forensic analytical chemistry; Environmental analytical chemistry.

    More Info.
    Gamal AA Mohamed Hussein
    Associate Professor
    Department of Natural product and Alternative Medicine
    King Abdulaziz University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Isolation and structural elucidation of biologically active metabolites from natural sources (Plants, Bacteria, Marine and Fungi). Phytochemical characterization of plant extracts used in traditional medicine, their pharmacological evaluation, and the isolation and identification of their active constituents

    More Info.
    Nadeem Sadiq Sheikh
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    King Faisal University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Synthetic organic chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Sustainable chemistry, Computational chemistry.

    More Info.
    Habibullah Khalilullah
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Unaizah Qassim University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Drug Design, Phytochemistry, Medicinal chemistry and Analytical Chemistry.

    More Info.
    Sabrin Ibrahim
    Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Taibah University
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Isolation and structural elucidation of biologically active metabolites from natural sources (Plants and Fungi); Marine natural products chemistry and biology; Phytochemical characterization of plant extracts used in traditional medicine, their pharmacological evaluation, and the isolation and identification of their active constituents.

    More Info.
    Yuri V Bobryshev
    Faculty of Medicine
    University of New South Wales
    More Info.
    Teodorico De Castro Ramalho
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    Federal University of Lavras

    Research Interest: Medicinal chemistry, quantum chemistry (QM/MM calculations) and catalysis.

    More Info.
    Syed Rashel Kabir
    Associate Professor
    Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Rajshahi University

    Research Interest: Lectin; chitinase; protein; amino acid; nanoparticles; nanomedicine; apoptosis; cell cycle; antibacterial; anticancer; antifungal; gene expression; cell morphology; cytotoxicity; toxicity; antibiofilm; cell culture..

    More Info.
    A K M Mominul Islam, Ph.D
    Associate Professor
    Department of Agronomy
    Bangladesh Agricultural University

    Research Interest: Allelopathy and allelopathic substances of medicinal plants, Biological activity of natural products, Herbicides development from natural products, Organic farming and Precision agriculture.

    More Info.
    Irena Kostova
    Department of Chemistry
    Medical University
    More Info.
    Dogo W Richard
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    University of Ouagadougou
    Burkina Faso

    Research Interest: Phenolic content and antioxydant activity of medicinal plants, Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic activities of medicinal plants, Mutagenic and anticancer effects of medicinal plants. NF-κB pathway inhibition, Antileishmanial and antitrypanosomal activities of medicinal plants, Antioxidant, anticancer, mutagenic, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antipyretic, Antiparasitic, Polyphenols, Flavonoïds, medicinal plants 

    More Info.
    Cheng-Shi Jiang
    Associate Professor
    School of Biological Science and Technology
    University of Jinan

    Research Interest: Marine natural products (MNPs), in particular the synthesis and structural modification of bioactive MNPs.

    More Info.
    Xin Chen
    School of Pharmaceutical and Life Science
    Changzhou University

    Research Interest: Type III secretion system inhibitors, antitumor agents based on polyol natural products and beta-arrestin agonists.

    More Info.
    Chao Lin
    Associate Professor
    Tongji University Shanghai

    Research Interest: Nanomedicine, hydrogels, gene medicine, tissue engineering

    More Info.
    Huankai Yao
    Associate Professor
    School of Pharmacy Xuzhou Medical College

    Research Interest: Natural Product Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Chemical Biolgoy

    More Info.
    Vojtech Adam
    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    Mendel University
    Czech Republic
    More Info.
    Kamil Kuca
    Czech Republic

    Research Interest: Military toxicology; Acetylcholinesterase reactivators as treatment of nerve agent and pesticide intoxications; Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors in Alzheimer´s disease and Myasthenia Gravis treatment; Synthesis of the detergents as disinfectants, decontamination means and environment for micellar catalysis; Drug design and Development; Chemical warfare agents; Biological warfare agents; Pharmaceutical Industry; Project Management; Scientific Management; Technology Transfer; Commercialization; Fund Raising; Cloud computing; Parallel computing; medical devices development; toxins.

    More Info.
    Mohammad-Ali Shahbazi
    Division of Pharmaceutical Technology
    University of Helsinki

    Research Interest:  "Targeted drug delivery; Chemical functionalization of nanoparticles; Chemical composition-biological behavior relationship of nanoparticles; Biomaterials for immunotherapy; Nanomedicine; Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology; Nanovaccines; Immunotoxicity of nanoparticles; Surface biofunctionalization of the nanoparticles with antibodies and peptides; Cell-nanoparticle interactions


    More Info.
    Edmond Dik-Lung Ma
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    Hong Kong Baptist University
    Hong Kong

    Research Interest: "Luminescent probes; Computational structural biology; Structure-based drug design; Inorganic medicine "

    More Info.
    Chuanshan Xu
    Research Assistant Professor
    The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Hong Kong

    Research Interest: Nanotechnology, Photodynamic Therapy, Sonodynamic Therapy, Anti-Cancer and Anti-Infectious Medicines, Functional Food and Food Safety.

    More Info.
    Taher yousefi
    Department of Chemistry
    Kharazmi University

    Research Interest: Nano chemistry and Nano adsorbent, Composite, hybride material, natural materials, zeolite and clay, Ion exchange, adsorption, chromatography, Analytical chemistry (separation, spectroscopy) Water Treatment 

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    Zahra Abdulqader Amin
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pharmacognosy
    College of Pharmacy
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    Sanaa K Bardaweel
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Medicinal Chemistry
    University of Jordan
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    Eyad Mallah
    Department of Pharmaceutical Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacognosy
    University of Petra

    Research Interest: Pharmaceutical organic chemistry and Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry; Development of chromatographic and immunoassay methods for analyzing different pharmaceutical compounds in biological fluids which could be used in bio-studies.  drug-drug interactions and drug-juice interaction and on the synthesis of some Barbituric acid and Imidazole derivatives and their application in pharmaceutical products. NMR, X-ray, LC/MS, HPLC and ELISA.

    More Info.
    Anna Dolzhenko
    Monash University Malaysia Campus

    Research Interest: Adenosine receptor antagonists, Medicinal and organic chemistry of N-heterocycles. Microwave irradiation in heterocyclic synthesis

    More Info.
    Afieroho Ozadheoghene
    Department of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy
    University of Port Harcourt

    Research Interest: Using chemical ecology as a tool for the discovery of drugs and eco-friendly agrochemicals, Analytical method development and validation, Biotransformation of naturally occurring bioactive secondary metabolites using Rhizopus spp and Saccharomyces spp and the anti-infective and antioxidant potentials of the derivatives. Evaluation of the nutraceutical potentials of some non-utilised seeds from medicinal plants in Nigeria.

    More Info.
    Rafik Karaman
    Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Al-Quds University

    Research Interest: Design, synthesis, characterization and in vitro and in vivo kinetics of pro-prodrug systems to be used for the delivery for certain drugs that have poor water solubility or/and have low bioavailability using ab initio, DFT, semiempirical, molecular mechanics as well as molecular dynamics and conformational dynamics methods..

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    Waqas Jamil
    Assistant Professor
    University of Sindh

    Research Interest: Organic Synthesis, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry; Chemical Process and Unit Operation; Spectroscopy and Chromatography.

    More Info.
    Atif Ali
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmacy
    COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

    Research Interest: Nanocosmetics, emulsion investigations, non- invasive bioengineering techniques, polymer formulation, matrix techniques.

    More Info.
    Yulin Li
    University of Madeira

    Research Interest: Exploration of continuous-fiber-reinforced resin materials for engineering applications, development of biomimetic nanomaterials for bone regeneration and oncology.

    More Info.
    Velimir Popsavin
    Department of Chemistry
    University of Novi Sad

    Research Interest: Total synthesis of natural products; medicinal chemistry; development of new synthetic methods in the monosaccharides chemistry

    More Info.
    Imadeldin Osman A Elfaki
    Department of Biochemistry
    University of Khartoum
    More Info.
    Hichem Ben Jannet
    Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Natural Products
    Monastir University at Tunisia

    Research Interest: Medicinal Chemistry and Natural products: isolation, structure determination, biotransformation, synthesis of structural analogues, biological valorization, structure activity relationship.Heterocyclic Organic Synthesis and biological valorization.

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    Adisorn Ratanaphan
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Prince of Songkla University

    Research Interest: Mechanism of action of anticancer platinum/ruthenium drugs in cancer chemotherapy; Targeting BRCA1 DNA repair pathway by platinum/ruthenium drugs in estrogen receptor-positive, estrogen receptor-negative, and BRCA1-associated breast cancers; Mutation screening of breast cancer suppressor gene BRCA1; Functional and structural studies of breast cancer suppressor protein BRCA1; High-throughput genotyping by DHPLC of the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase gene

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    S Gopalakrishnan
    Senior Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    Noorul Islam University

    Research Interest: Natural Products Chemistry, Polymer Chemistry,Environment & Health,Medicinal Chemistry.

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    Bapurao Shingate
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University

    Research Interest: Asymmetric synthesis, total synthesis of natural products, multi-component reactions, heterocyclic synthesis and green chemistry

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    Dilip Patil
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    North Maharashtra University
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    Suryakanta Swain
    Associate Professor
    SIMS College of Pharmacy

    Research Interest: Mucoadhesive DDS, Selfemulsifying DDS, Transdermal DDS, Liposomal DDS and Controlled DDS.

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    Sampath Kumar
    Research Associate
    Department of Biotechnology
    Vignan University

    Research Interest: Bioactive compounds and Biomaterials.

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    Vandana Singh
    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    University of Allahabad
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    R Kalirajan
    Assistant Professor
    JSS College of Pharmacy Rocklands

    Research Interest: Synthesis of novel heterocycles as anticancer agents; Computer Aided Drug Design.

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    Srinivasa Rao Maddi
    Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
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    Sachin Singh
    Assistant Professor
    Lovely Professional University

    Research Interest: Stability studies of new drug substances and new drug products including nanomedicine; Quality assurance; Analytical and bioanalytical method validation; Physicochemical charaterization of new drug substances and new drug products including nanomedicine.

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    Assistant Professor
    Department of Biotechnology
    Karunya University
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    Darpan Kaushik
    Director in Prasad Institute of Technology

    Research Interest: Heterocyclic chemistry dealing with Pyrazole, 1,2,4-Triazine.

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    Dinesh Kumar
    Assistant Professor
    Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Kurukshetra University
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    Gokhan Zengin
    Research Assistant
    Department of Biology
    Selcuk University

    Research Interest: Antioxidant Activity, Antioxidants, Ethnobotany, Compound Isolation, Bioactivity, Free Radical Scavengers, DPPH, Biotechnology, Essential Oils, Antioxidant Assays, Flavonoids, Phenol, Phytochemicals, Natural Product Chemistry, Chromatography, Natural Product Isolation, Anthocyanins, Extraction, Phytochemical Analysis, Ethnopharmacology, Phytochemical Purification, Herbal Medicine, Biological Activities, Soxhlet Extraction, Natural Product Pharmacology, Antibacterial Activity, Nutraceuticals, Natural Product Drug Discovery, Ethnomedicine, Ethnopharmacy, Chemotaxonomy, Herbal Drug Development, Evaluation of Cytotoxicity, Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Traditional Medicine, Pharmacological Screening, Natural Compound, Fatty acid composition, Fatty acid analysis.Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Natural Products, Chromatography, Asphodeline.

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    Esra Kupeli Akkol
    Department of Pharmacognosy
    Gazi University

    Research Interest: Bioassay guided isolation of active constituents - Phytochemistry and Analytical, Pharmacognosy;  Anti-inflammatory, antinociceptive, anti-rheumatic activities of folk remedies and synthesized compounds; Wound healing assessment of medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites; Isolation of the natural compounds from the medicinal plants used against, gynecological disorders; Anti-carcinogenic assessment of medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites

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    Ipek Suntar
    Department of Pharmacognosy
    Gazi University

    Research Interest: Bioassay guided isolation of active constituents-Phytochemsitry and analytical pharmacognosy. Wound healing assessment of medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of medicinal plants. Isolation of natural compounds from the medicinal plants used against gynecological diseases.

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    Rustem Kecili
    Anadolu University

    Research Interest: Molecularly Imprinted Polymers,Sol, id Phase, Extraction,Chromatography

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    Yigit Uyanikgil
    Associate Professor
    Department of Histology and Embryology
    Ege University

    Research Interest: Medicinal chemistry,Histology and Embryology.

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    Yonca A Duman
    Department of Chemistry
    Kocaeli University

    Research Interest: Enzymology; Biocatalysis in Organic Solvent; Protein Biochemistry.

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    Timucin Ugurlu
    Associate Professor
    Marmara University

    Research Interest: Conventional solid dosage forms especially powders, granules, and tablets; Modified release solid dosage forms especially colonic delivery of tablets containing peptides and proteins; Physics of tablets, tabletting technology, coated dosage forms, andmicroparticulate delivery systems.

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    Mohammed Ibrahim El-Gamal
    Department of Medicinal Chemistry
    College of Pharmacy, University of Mansoura

    Research Interest: Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Design; Organic Synthesis; Bioorganic Chemistry; Biological evaluation of therapeutically-efficient organic compounds, including pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics; Molecular modeling and chemoinformatics; Molecular Imaging; Structure elucidation using different spectroscopic techniques (such as MS, IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR, and 2D NMR such as COSY, HMBC, and HMQC). Purification of products from reaction mixtures both by simple solvent crystallization methods and advanced preparative chromatographic methods.

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    Shadi Tarazi
    Department of Medical Laboratory
    Al-Azhar University
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    Marwa Ragab
    Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
    University of Alexandria

    Research Interest: Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry, chemometrics, HPLC, HPTLC, GFAAS, spectrophotometry, analysis of drugs in pharmaceuticals and in biological fluids

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    Sally A El-Zahaby
    Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Industries
    Pharos University in Alexandria

    Research Interest: Controlled Drug Delivery systems; Drug Targeting; Mini-tablets; Helicobacter pylori; Polymers; Gastroretentive dosage forms; Osmotic drug delivery systems; Centrally acting drug; Anti-infectives; Natural products; Nanoscience; Self-emulsifying drug delivery systems; Tablets; Nanoemulsion.

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    Shahenda M EL-Messery
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry
    Mansoura University

    Research Interest: Design, synthesis, and evaluation of biologically active small molecules with getting the advantage of the molecular modeling modern techniques. I published scientific papers in peer reviewed journals. Computer Skills in Field of Specialization: Molecular modeling programs, ChemOffice Suite and Quantum chemical softwares.

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    Rania Hathout
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
    Ain Shams University

    Research Interest: Drug Delivery; Pharmaceutics; Nanoparticles; Transdermal; microemulsions; vesicles; modelling; docking.

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    Mamdouh RR Yousef
    Associate Professor
    Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
    Cairo University

    Research Interest: Topics in chemical quality control in pharmacy practice; Application of different analytical techniques for the determination of pharmaceuticals in the presence of their degradation product(s) including; Different spectrophotometric methods such as colorimetry, derivative and derivative-ratio spectrophotometry. Different chromatographic methods such as TLC-densitometry, Preparative TLC, Two-dimensional TLC, GC and HPLC. Monitoring of the degradation profile of the pharmaceuticals and kinetic studies. Synthesis of the degradation product(s) of the selected drugs and structure elucidation.Chemometric methods, such as CLS, PCR and PLS.

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    Souad Elfeky
    Associate Professor
    Department of Analytical Chemistry
    Cairo University

    Research Interest: Physical and organic chemistry; Photochemistry; Organic synthesis; Photo-catalysis; Chemo-sensors

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    Emad Shalaby
    Associate Professor
    Department of Biochemistry
    Cairo University
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    Mohamed Said Attia Gaber
    Associate Professor
    Department of Analytical Photochemistry
    Ain Shams University
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    Hassan RH Ali
    Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry
    Assiut University Assiut

    Research Interest: Field of the solid-state investigation of the molecular self-assembly of different solid forms of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) (polymorphs, cocrystals, salts and hydrates) with the support of quantum chemical calculations in the presence and absence of single crystal data. A rather important interest is the online monitoring of the transformation of these solid forms using either in situ Raman and NIR spectroscopy or a combination of in situ Raman spectroscopy and other relevant techniques (e.g. DSC and DVS) to provide a complete picture of physical and chemical changes that are occurring during the pharmaceutical processes.

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    Rania Badawy Bakr Mohamed
    Department of Organic Pharmaceutical Chemistry
    Beni-Suef University
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