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    Manuel Jose Lis Arias

    Manuel Jose Lis Arias
    Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain
    Tel: + 34630547170
    Fax: + 34 937398225

    More Info.

    Editorial Board

    Danijela Krstic
    Associate Professor
    Institute of medical chemistry, Faculty of Medicine
    University of Belgrade

    Biography: B. Sc. Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 1994.

    M. Sc. Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 2000.

    Ph.D. Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, 2004.

    Research Interest: Enzymology, enzyme inhibition, toxic effects of different (organic or inorganic) pharmacologically and physiologically active compounds, oxidative stress, biomarkers.

    Researcher: Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca, Belgrade, 1996-2000
    Teaching Assistant:  Institute of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2000-2008
    Assistant Professor: Institute of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade,

    Associate Professor: Institute of Medical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, 2013

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    Louiza Boudiba
    Matter sciences
    Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi University

    Professor Louiza BOUDIBA obtained a Diploma of Higher Studies in Chemistry in 1995, her Doctorate in 2005 and her Habilitation in 2007. She has been a teacher since 2012, a member of the National People's Assembly from 2012 to 2017 and seconded to the school Normal Superior of Kouba from 2017 to 2020. She was a member of the expert committees (Magister, License, Master and doctoral schools of chemistry), member of national research projects, international programs and supervised several end-of-study projects, Masters, Magisters, and doctorates. Member of ANSOLE (African Network for Solar Energy) since 2012.

     -           Her educational interventions concern:

    Chemical thermodynamics, Crystallography, Analytical chemistry, Mineral chemistry, Organic chemistry, Structure of matter, Thermodynamics and chemical kinetics, Spectroscopic methods of analysis, Elements of organic reactivity, Polyfunctional organic compounds, Heterocyclic chemistry, Initiation to the medicines knowledge, Natural substances, In-depth organic chemistry, Galenic pharmacy, Pharmaco-toxicology, Heterocyclic chemistry, In-depth organic chemistry II, Polymers, Ceramics and glasses, Elaboration and characterization of ceramic materials.

     -           Her contribution to scientific research has focused on Organic Materials and their Applications (particularly in electrical conduction and renewable energies), Desalination of Seawater and Brackish Water, treatment of wastewater, treatment of waste (particularly plastic waste, and manufacturing of new materials based on waste), Valorization of synthetic and natural bioactive molecules in several biological and environmental fields.

    google scholar link:

     Research Interest: Biochemistry, environment, water treatment, organic materials, waste treatment.

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    Divya Prakash
    Assistant Research Professor
    Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
    Pennsylvania State University

    Dr. Divya Prakash is currently, Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA. Dr. Prakash has published papers in peer-reviewed journal like Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A, Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemistry, Journal of Bacteriology, Methods of Enzymology, International Journal of Nanomedicine, Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. Dr. Prakash primary research interest at Penn State is in understanding the physiology and biochemical mechanism of a novel disulfide reductase from a methane-producing species and in-vitro re-constitution of protein components to convert methane and carbon monoxide as a source of bio-fuels and value added products.  As a model system, he focus on Methanosarcina acetivorans , a versatile methane producing microbe which is found in such diverse environments as oil wells, trash dumps, deep-sea hydro thermal vents, and oxygen-depleted sediments beneath kelp beds. He uses a multidisciplinary approach of biochemistry, molecular biology, genomics, proteomics, and spectroscopy (EPR and Mossbauer) to address the scientific questions related to his research.

    Dr. Prakash has completed his doctorate in chemisty at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University. His doctorate research was focused on the understanding the process of activation of Methyl-co-enzyme M reductase (MCR) and study of the effect of the methanogenesis inhibit or 3-nitrooxypropanol on MCR.

    Before Joining Auburn University, he earned a M. Phil. from the Jawaharlal Nehru University. During his M.Phil. he studied the “Synergistic Effect of Hydroxyapatite Nanoparticles (HAp) and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) to prevent osteoporosis in Rat Induced by Simulated Micro gravity.” He discovered that PEMF along with HAp has the potential to control bone loss induced by simulated micro gravity.

    Research Interest:  Biochemistry; Microbiology; Molecular biology; Nanomedicine; Spectroscopy; Bio-engineering.


    Skype ID: divsingh21

    Number of Publications: 11

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    Joao Carlos Martins Barreira
    Full Researcher
    Centro de Investigação de Montanha
    Polytechnic Institute of Bragança

    João Carlos Martins Barreira holds a First Degree in Biotechnological Engineering (Polytechnic Institute of Bragança), a MSc in Chemistry (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto) and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto) prized with a PhD grant from Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/29060/2006).

    Furthermore, he completed six years of post-Doc research (prized with a post-Doc grant: SFRH/BPD/72802/2010) in University of Porto, National Health Institute Doutor Ricardo Jorge, University of Salamanca and Mountain Research Centre:

    A.        2011-2014: Bioactive properties and cytoprotective potential of natural extracts/individual compounds: application of single cell gel electrophoresis and other biochemical, chemical and electrochemical assays;

    B.        2014-2017: Molecular profiles of natural extracts/individual compounds and bioactivity evaluation through cytotoxic and/or genotoxic effects). From April 2017 until February 2019, JCMB was a researcher at CIMO (Sustainable Processes and Products group), focusing his activity on the Valorisation of natural resources through the extraction of high-value bioactive ingredients to be incorporated in food formulations.

    Research Interest: Natural products, molecular structure elucidation, bioactivity, advanced statistical analysis

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    Juciano Gasparotto
    Federal University

    Graduated in Physical Education from Universidade Luterana do Brasil-ULBRA. Post-graduation in

    Exercise Physiology and Training Prescription by Gama Filho University of Rio de Janeiro.

    Master and PhD in Biological Sciences - Biochemistry by Federal University of Rio Grande do

    Sul-UFRGS. Currently is linked to the National Postdoctoral Program of CAPES (PNPD /

    CAPES) and collaborator of the Department of Biochemistry of UFRGS. As a researcher, has

    experience with several experimental models, including rodents, cell culture and clinical studies.

    Current research projects focus on the investigation of neuronal dysfunctions associated with

    inflammatory processes. Immuno-neutralization of proteins, pharmacological agents, diets and

    physical exercise are some of the methods used as therapeutic alternatives to treat

    neuropathologies that the inflammation is involved.

    Research Interest: Biochemistry, physiology and nutrition

    Grants: 2017 Travel Award - Paris, France, International Society of Neurochemistry

    19. List of Publications:

    1.RIBEIRO, CAMILA T. ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; PORTELA, L. V. C. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Immune neutralization of the receptor for advanced glycation end products reduce liver oxidative damage induced by an acute systemic injection of lipopolysaccharide. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY , p. 1-15, 2018.
    2.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; GIRARDI, CAROLINA S. ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; RIBEIRO, CAMILA T. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C. F. ; MICHELS, MONIQUE ; SONAI, BEATRIZ ; ROCHA, MARIANE ; STECKERT, AMANDA V. ; BARICHELLO, TATIANA ; QUEVEDO, JOÃO ; DAL-PIZZOL, FELIPE ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. . Receptor for advanced glycation end products mediates sepsis-triggered amyloid-β accumulation, Tau phosphorylation, and cognitive impairment. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY , v. 293, p. 226-244, 2018.
    4.  GASPAROTTO, J.; RIBEIRO, C. T. ; SILVA, H. T. R. ; BORTOLIN, R. C. ; RABELO, THALLITA K. ; PEIXOTO, D. O. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Systemic Inflammation Changes the Site of RAGE Expression from Endothelial Cells to Neurons in Different Brain Areas. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 31, p. 1-11, 2018.
    5.GASPAROTTO, J; CHAVES, P. R. ; MARTINELLO, K. B. ; ROSA, H. ; BORTOLIN, R. C. ; SILVA, L. F. O. ; RABELO, T. K. ; SILVA, J. ; SILVA, F. R. ; NORDIN, A. P. ; SOARES, K. ; BORGES, M. S. ; GELAIN, D. P. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. . Obese rats are more vulnerable to inflammation, genotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by coal dust inhalation than non-obese rats. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY , v. 165, p. 44-51, 2018.
    6.KUNZLER, ALICE ; Zeidán-Chuliá, Fares ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; KLAFKE, KARINA ; PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; ROSTIROLLA, DIANA CAROLINA ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, Alfeu ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; DICKSON, PHILLIP ; DUNKLEY, PETER ; Moreira, José Cláudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Changes in Cell Cycle and Up-Regulation of Neuronal Markers During SH-SY5Y Neurodifferentiation by Retinoic Acid are Mediated by Reactive Species Production and Oxidative Stress. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 54, p. 6903-6916, 2017.
    7.BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; VARGAS, AMANDA RODRIGUES ; DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; HENKIN, BERNARDO SALDANHA ; CHAVES, PALOMA RODRIGUES ; RONCATO, SABRINA ; GELAIN, D.P. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Effects of Freeze-Thaw and Storage on Enzymatic Activities, Protein Oxidative Damage, and Immunocontent of the Blood, Liver, and Brain of Rats. Biopreservation and Biobanking , v. 15, p. 182-190, 2017.
    9.BORTOLIN, R C ; VARGAS, A R ; GASPAROTTO, J ; CHAVES, P R ; SCHNORR, C E ; DA BOIT MARTINELLO, K ; SILVEIRA, A K ; RABELO, T K ; GELAIN, D P ; MOREIRA, J C F . A new animal diet based on human Western diet is a robust diet-induced obesity model: Comparison to high-fat and cafeteria diets in term of metabolic and gut microbiota disruption. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY , v. 1, p. 1-15, 2017.
    11.MOURA, ALANA PIMENTEL ; PARMEGGIANI, BELISA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GRINGS, MATEUS ; FERNANDEZ CARDOSO, GABRIELA MIRANDA ; SEMINOTTI, BIANCA ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; WAJNER, MOACIR ; LEIPNITZ, GUILHIAN . Glycine Administration Alters MAPK Signaling Pathways and Causes Neuronal Damage in Rat Brain: Putative Mechanisms Involved in the Neurological Dysfunction in Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.
    12.KUNZLER, ALICE ; KOLLING, EDUARDO ANTÔNIO ; DA SILVA-JR, JEFERSON DELGADO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Retinol (Vitamin A) Increases α-Synuclein, β-Amyloid Peptide, Tau Phosphorylation and RAGE Content in Human SH-SY5Y Neuronal Cell Line. NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH , v. 42, p. 2788-2797, 2017.
    13.PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; MATTÉ, CRISTIANE ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Role of vitamin A oral supplementation on oxidative stress and inflammatory response in the liver of trained rats. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism , v. 42, p. 1192-1200, 2017.
    14.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; RIBEIRO, CAMILA TIEFENSEE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; SOUZA, NATÁLIA CABRAL ; PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO DE BITTENCOURT ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Targeted inhibition of RAGE in substantia nigra of rats blocks 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic denervation. Scientific Reports , v. 7, p. 1-12, 2017.
    15.PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; MATTÉ, C. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLAUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, DANIEL PENS . Vitamin A Oral Supplementation Induces Oxidative Stress and Suppresses IL-10 and HSP70 in Skeletal Muscle of Trained Rats. Nutrients , v. 9, p. 353, 2017.
    16.GASPAROTTO, J.; KUNZLER, ALICE ; SENGER, MARIO ROBERTO ; SOUZA, Celeste da Silva Freitas de ; SIMONE, SALVATORE GIOVANNI DE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; DAL-PIZZOL, FELIPE ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLAUDIO FONSECA ; ABREU-SILVA, ANA LÚCIA ; CALABRESE, K. S. ; SILVA JR, FLORIANO PAES ; GELAIN, DANIEL PENS . N-acetyl-cysteine inhibits liver oxidative stress markers in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Online) , v. 112, p. 146-154, 2017.
    17.RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; GUIMARÃES, ADRIANA GIBARA ; OLIVEIRA, MARLANGE ALMEIDA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; SERAFINI, MAIRIM RUSSO ; DE SOUZA ARAÚJO, ADRIANO ANTUNES ; QUINTANS-JÚNIOR, LUCINDO JOSÉ ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Shikimic acid inhibits LPS-induced cellular pro-inflammatory cytokines and attenuates mechanical hyperalgesia in mice. International Immunopharmacology (Print) , v. 39, p. 97-105, 2016.
    18.MORRONE, MAURILIO DA SILVA ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; BEHR, GUILHERME ANTÔNIO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; DA BOIT MARTINELLO, KATIA ; SALDANHA HENKIN, BERNARDO ; RABELLO, THALLITA KELLY ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Curcumin Supplementation Decreases Intestinal Adiposity Accumulation, Serum Cholesterol Alterations, and Oxidative Stress in Ovariectomized Rats. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , v. 2016, p. 1-12, 2016.
    19.DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; BEHR, GUILHERME ANTÔNIO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; MORESCO, KARLA SUZANA ; BITTENCOURT, LEONARDO ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Oral administration of curcumin relieves behavioral alterations and oxidative stress in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of ovariectomized Wistar rats. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY , v. 32, p. 181-188, 2016.
    20.DE MIRANDA RAMOS, VITOR ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; KLAFKE, KARINA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; DUNKLEY, PETER ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . NRF2 Mediates Neuroblastoma Proliferation and Resistance to Retinoic Acid Cytotoxicity in a Model of In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 53, p. 6124-6135, 2016.
    21.RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; ZEIDÁN-CHULIÁ, FARES ; CAREGNATO, FERNANDA FREITAS ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; SERAFINI, MAIRIM RUSSO ; DE SOUZA ARAÚJO, ADRIANO ANTUNES ; QUINTANS-JUNIOR, LUCINDO JOSÉ ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . In Vitro Neuroprotective Effect of Shikimic Acid Against Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , v. 1, p. 1-10, 2015.
    22.SANTOS, JULIANA CÉLIA F. ; DE ARAÚJO, ORLANDO R. P. ; VALENTIM, IARA B. ; DE ANDRADE, KÍVIA QUEIROZ ; MOURA, FABIANA ANDRÉA ; SMANIOTTO, SALETE ; DOS SANTOS, JOHN MARQUES ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. ; GOULART, MARÍLIA O. F. . Choline and Cystine Deficient Diets in Animal Models with Hepatocellular Injury: Evaluation of Oxidative Stress and Expression of RAGE, TNF- α , and IL-1 β. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , v. 2015, p. 1-11, 2015.
    23.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SENGER, MARIO ROBERTO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; DEGROSSOLI, ADRIANA ; DE SIMONE, SALVATORE GIOVANNI ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; DE SOUZA, CELESTE DA SILVA FREITAS ; CALABRESE, KÁTIA DA SILVA ; DAL-PIZZOL, FELIPE ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; SILVA-JR, FLORIANO PAES ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Increased tau phosphorylation and receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) in the brain of mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY , v. 43, p. 37-45, 2015.
    24.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; DE VARGAS, AMANDA RODRIGUES ; HENKIN, BERNARDO SALDANHA ; CHAVES, PALOMA RODRIGUES ; RONCATO, SABRINA ; MATTÉ, CRISTIANE ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Supplementation with vitamin A enhances oxidative stress in the lungs of rats submitted to aerobic exercise. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism , v. 40, p. 1253-1261, 2015.
    25.TONIN, ANELISE MIOTTI ; AMARAL, ALEXANDRE UMPIERREZ ; BUSANELLO, ESTELA NATACHA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. ; GREGERSEN, NIELS ; WAJNER, MOACIR . Mitochondrial bioenergetics deregulation caused by long-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acids accumulating in LCHAD and MTP deficiencies in rat brain: A possible role of mPTP opening as a pathomechanism in these disorders?. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease , v. 1842, p. 1658-1667, 2014.
    26.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; MORESCO, KARLA SUZANA ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; KLAFKE, KARINA ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; MORRONE, MAURILIO DA SILVA ; VIZZOTTO, MÁRCIA ; RASEIRA, MARIA DO CARMO BASSOLS ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Effects of different products of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) from a variety developed in southern Brazil on oxidative stress and inflammatory parameters in vitro and ex vivo. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition , v. 55, p. 110-119, 2014.
    27.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA ; PASQUALI, MATHEUS ; RAMOS, VITOR ; SIMOES-PIRES, ANDRE ; QUINTANS-JUNIOR, LUCINDO ; BRANCO, ALEXSANDRO ; MOREIRA, JOSE ; GELAIN, DANIEL . Hecogenin Acetate Inhibits Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Senescence in the A549 Human Lung Cancer Cell Line. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry , v. 14, p. 1128-1135, 2014.
    28.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; MORESCO, KARLA SUZANA ; BASSANI, VALQUIRIA LINCK ; YATSU, FRANCINI KIYONO JORGE ; VIZZOTTO, MÁRCIA ; RASEIRA, MARIA DO CARMO BASSOLS ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Preventive supplementation with fresh and preserved peach attenuates CCl4-induced oxidative stress, inflammation and tissue damage. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY , v. 25, p. 1282-1295, 2014.
    29.GRINGS, MATEUS ; MOURA, ALANA P. ; AMARAL, ALEXANDRE U. ; PARMEGGIANI, BELISA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C.F. ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. ; WYSE, ANGELA T.S. ; WAJNER, MOACIR ; LEIPNITZ, GUILHIAN . Sulfite disrupts brain mitochondrial energy homeostasis and induces mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening via thiol group modification. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE , v. 1842, p. 1413-1422, 2014.
    30.GRUNWALD, MARCELO SARTORI ; PIRES, ANDRÉ SIMÕES ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; DEMARTINI, DIOGO RIBEIRO ; SCHÖLER, CINTHIA MARIA ; DE BITTENCOURT, PAULO IVO HOMEM ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . The oxidation of HSP70 is associated with functional impairment and lack of stimulatory capacity. CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES , v. 19, p. 913-925, 2014.
    31.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; VASQUES, LAURA MILÁN ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; ALMEIDA, REINALDO NOBREGA ; BARBOSA-FILHO, JOSE MARIA ; FÁTIMA VANDERLEI DE SOUZA, MARIA ; GUTIERREZ, STANLEY JUAN CHAVEZ ; JÚNIOR, LUCINDO JOSÉ QUINTANS ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Effect of N-salicyloyltryptamine (STP), a novel tryptamine analogue, on parameters of cell viability, oxidative stress, and immunomodulation in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Cell Biology and Toxicology , v. 29, p. 175-187, 2013.
    32.DE OLIVEIRA, RAMATIS BIRNFELD ; SENGER, MARIO ROBERTO ; VASQUES, LAURA MILAN ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; DOS SANTOS, JOÃO PAULO ALMEIDA ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; SILVA, FLORIANO PAES ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Schistosoma mansoni infection causes oxidative stress and alters receptor for advanced glycation endproduct (RAGE) and tau levels in multiple organs in mice. International Journal for Parasitology , v. 43, p. 371-379, 2013.
    33.DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; DE ASSIS, ADRIANO MARTIMBIANCO ; DA ROCHA, RICARDO FAGUNDES ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GAZOLA, ANDRESSA CÓRNEO ; COSTA, GEISON MODESTI ; ZUCOLOTTO, SILVANA MARIA ; CASTELLANOS, LEONARDO H. ; RAMOS, FREDDY A. ; SCHENKEL, ELOIR PAULO ; REGINATTO, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C.F. . Passiflora manicata (Juss.) aqueous leaf extract protects against reactive oxygen species and protein glycation in vitro and ex vivo models. Food and Chemical Toxicology , v. 60, p. 45-51, 2013.
    34.DA ROSA, M. S. ; SEMINOTTI, B. ; AMARAL, A. U. ; FERNANDES, C. G. ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; GELAIN, D. P. ; WAJNER, M. ; LEIPNITZ, G. . Redox homeostasis is compromised in vivo by the metabolites accumulating in 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency in rat cerebral cortex and liver. Free Radical Research , v. 47, p. 1066-1075, 2013.
    35.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; CAREGNATO, FERNANDA F. ; RABELO, THALLITA K. ; DABOIT, KÁTIA ; OLIVEIRA, MARCOS L.S. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C.F. ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. . Coal and tire burning mixtures containing ultrafine and nanoparticulate materials induce oxidative stress and inflammatory activation in macrophages. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , v. 463-464, p. 743-753, 2013.
    36.DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; ZEIDÁN-CHULIÁ, FARES ; PIRES, ANDRÉ SIMÕES ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; TERRA, SILVIA RESENDE ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Vitamin A (retinol) downregulates the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) by oxidant-dependent activation of p38 MAPK and NF-kB in human lung cancer A549 cells. CELLULAR SIGNALLING , v. 1, p. 939-954, 2013.
    37.BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Oliveira, Marcos Roberto ; DE BASTIANI, MARCO ANTÔNIO ; Rocha, Ricardo Fagundes ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . L-NAME co-treatment prevent oxidative damage in the lung of adult Wistar rats treated with vitamin A supplementation. Cell Biochemistry and Function , v. 30, p. 256-263, 2012.

    Research Interest: Biochemistry, physiology and nutritionml> <style> /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin-top:0cm; mso-para-margin-right:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:8.0pt; mso-para-margin-left:0cm; line-height:107%; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;} </style> Research Interest: Biochemistry, physiology and nutritionGrants: 2017 Travel Award - Paris, France, International Society of NeurochemistryList of Publications: 1.RIBEIRO, CAMILA T. ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; PORTELA, L. V. C. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Immune neutralization of the receptor for advanced glycation end products reduce liver oxidative damage induced by an acute systemic injection of lipopolysaccharide. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY , p. 1-15, 2018.2.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; GIRARDI, CAROLINA S. ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; RIBEIRO, CAMILA T. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C. F. ; MICHELS, MONIQUE ; SONAI, BEATRIZ ; ROCHA, MARIANE ; STECKERT, AMANDA V. ; BARICHELLO, TATIANA ; QUEVEDO, JOÃO ; DAL-PIZZOL, FELIPE ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. . Receptor for advanced glycation end products mediates sepsis-triggered amyloid-β accumulation, Tau phosphorylation, and cognitive impairment. JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY , v. 293, p. 226-244, 2018.3.DE ARAÚJO, FILLIPE M. ; FERREIRA, RAFAEL S. ; SOUZA, CLEIDE S. ; DOS SANTOS, CLEONICE CREUSA ; RODRIGUES, TÁCIO L.R.S. ; E SILVA, JULIANA HELENA C. ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; EL-BACHÁ, RAMON S. ; D. COSTA, MARIA DE FÁTIMA ; FONSECA, JOSÉ CLAUDIO M. ; SEGURA-AGUILAR, JUAN ; COSTA, SILVIA L. ; SILVA, VICTOR DIOGENES A. . Aminochrome decreases NGF, GDNF and induces neuroinflammation in organotypic midbrain slice cultures. NEUROTOXICOLOGY , v. 66, p. 98-106, 2018.4.  GASPAROTTO, J.; RIBEIRO, C. T. ; SILVA, H. T. R. ; BORTOLIN, R. C. ; RABELO, THALLITA K. ; PEIXOTO, D. O. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Systemic Inflammation Changes the Site of RAGE Expression from Endothelial Cells to Neurons in Different Brain Areas. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 31, p. 1-11, 2018.5.GASPAROTTO, J; CHAVES, P. R. ; MARTINELLO, K. B. ; ROSA, H. ; BORTOLIN, R. C. ; SILVA, L. F. O. ; RABELO, T. K. ; SILVA, J. ; SILVA, F. R. ; NORDIN, A. P. ; SOARES, K. ; BORGES, M. S. ; GELAIN, D. P. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. . Obese rats are more vulnerable to inflammation, genotoxicity and oxidative stress induced by coal dust inhalation than non-obese rats. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY , v. 165, p. 44-51, 2018.6.KUNZLER, ALICE ; Zeidán-Chuliá, Fares ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; KLAFKE, KARINA ; PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; ROSTIROLLA, DIANA CAROLINA ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, Alfeu ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; DICKSON, PHILLIP ; DUNKLEY, PETER ; Moreira, José Cláudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Changes in Cell Cycle and Up-Regulation of Neuronal Markers During SH-SY5Y Neurodifferentiation by Retinoic Acid are Mediated by Reactive Species Production and Oxidative Stress. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 54, p. 6903-6916, 2017.7.BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; VARGAS, AMANDA RODRIGUES ; DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; HENKIN, BERNARDO SALDANHA ; CHAVES, PALOMA RODRIGUES ; RONCATO, SABRINA ; GELAIN, D.P. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Effects of Freeze-Thaw and Storage on Enzymatic Activities, Protein Oxidative Damage, and Immunocontent of the Blood, Liver, and Brain of Rats. Biopreservation and Biobanking , v. 15, p. 182-190, 2017.8.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; RIBEIRO, CAMILA TIEFENSEE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; FERNANDES, HENRIQUE SCHAAN ; TEIXEIRA, ALEXSANDER ALVES ; GUASSELLI, MARCELO OTAVIO RODRIGUES ; AGANI, CREPIN AZIZ JOSE O. ; SOUZA, NATÁLIA CABRAL ; GRINGS, MATEUS ; LEIPNITZ, GUILHIAN ; GOMES, HENRIQUE MAUTONE ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; DUNKLEY, PETER R. ; DICKSON, PHILLIP W. ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Anti-RAGE antibody selectively blocks acute systemic inflammatory responses to LPS in serum, liver, CSF and striatum. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY , v. 62, p. 124-136, 2017.9.BORTOLIN, R C ; VARGAS, A R ; GASPAROTTO, J ; CHAVES, P R ; SCHNORR, C E ; DA BOIT MARTINELLO, K ; SILVEIRA, A K ; RABELO, T K ; GELAIN, D P ; MOREIRA, J C F . A new animal diet based on human Western diet is a robust diet-induced obesity model: Comparison to high-fat and cafeteria diets in term of metabolic and gut microbiota disruption. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY , v. 1, p. 1-15, 2017.10.SOMENSI, NAUANA ; BRUM, PEDRO OZORIO ; DE MIRANDA RAMOS, VITOR ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; ROSTIROLLA, DIANA CAROLINA ; DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLAUDIO FONSECA ; PENS GELAIN, DANIEL . Extracellular HSP70 Activates ERK1/2, NF-kB and Pro-Inflammatory Gene Transcription Through Binding with RAGE in A549 Human Lung Cancer Cells. CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY , v. 42, p. 2507-2522, 2017.11.MOURA, ALANA PIMENTEL ; PARMEGGIANI, BELISA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GRINGS, MATEUS ; FERNANDEZ CARDOSO, GABRIELA MIRANDA ; SEMINOTTI, BIANCA ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; WAJNER, MOACIR ; LEIPNITZ, GUILHIAN . Glycine Administration Alters MAPK Signaling Pathways and Causes Neuronal Damage in Rat Brain: Putative Mechanisms Involved in the Neurological Dysfunction in Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.12.KUNZLER, ALICE ; KOLLING, EDUARDO ANTÔNIO ; DA SILVA-JR, JEFERSON DELGADO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Retinol (Vitamin A) Increases α-Synuclein, β-Amyloid Peptide, Tau Phosphorylation and RAGE Content in Human SH-SY5Y Neuronal Cell Line. NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH , v. 42, p. 2788-2797, 2017.13.PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; MATTÉ, CRISTIANE ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Role of vitamin A oral supplementation on oxidative stress and inflammatory response in the liver of trained rats. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism , v. 42, p. 1192-1200, 2017.14.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; RIBEIRO, CAMILA TIEFENSEE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; SOUZA, NATÁLIA CABRAL ; PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO DE BITTENCOURT ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Targeted inhibition of RAGE in substantia nigra of rats blocks 6-OHDA-induced dopaminergic denervation. Scientific Reports , v. 7, p. 1-12, 2017.15.PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; MATTÉ, C. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLAUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, DANIEL PENS . Vitamin A Oral Supplementation Induces Oxidative Stress and Suppresses IL-10 and HSP70 in Skeletal Muscle of Trained Rats. Nutrients , v. 9, p. 353, 2017.16.GASPAROTTO, J.; KUNZLER, ALICE ; SENGER, MARIO ROBERTO ; SOUZA, Celeste da Silva Freitas de ; SIMONE, SALVATORE GIOVANNI DE ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; DAL-PIZZOL, FELIPE ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLAUDIO FONSECA ; ABREU-SILVA, ANA LÚCIA ; CALABRESE, K. S. ; SILVA JR, FLORIANO PAES ; GELAIN, DANIEL PENS . N-acetyl-cysteine inhibits liver oxidative stress markers in BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Online) , v. 112, p. 146-154, 2017.17.RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; GUIMARÃES, ADRIANA GIBARA ; OLIVEIRA, MARLANGE ALMEIDA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; SERAFINI, MAIRIM RUSSO ; DE SOUZA ARAÚJO, ADRIANO ANTUNES ; QUINTANS-JÚNIOR, LUCINDO JOSÉ ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Shikimic acid inhibits LPS-induced cellular pro-inflammatory cytokines and attenuates mechanical hyperalgesia in mice. International Immunopharmacology (Print) , v. 39, p. 97-105, 2016.18.MORRONE, MAURILIO DA SILVA ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; BEHR, GUILHERME ANTÔNIO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; DA BOIT MARTINELLO, KATIA ; SALDANHA HENKIN, BERNARDO ; RABELLO, THALLITA KELLY ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Curcumin Supplementation Decreases Intestinal Adiposity Accumulation, Serum Cholesterol Alterations, and Oxidative Stress in Ovariectomized Rats. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , v. 2016, p. 1-12, 2016.19.DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; BEHR, GUILHERME ANTÔNIO ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; MORESCO, KARLA SUZANA ; BITTENCOURT, LEONARDO ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Oral administration of curcumin relieves behavioral alterations and oxidative stress in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of ovariectomized Wistar rats. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY , v. 32, p. 181-188, 2016.20.DE MIRANDA RAMOS, VITOR ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; KLAFKE, KARINA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; DUNKLEY, PETER ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . NRF2 Mediates Neuroblastoma Proliferation and Resistance to Retinoic Acid Cytotoxicity in a Model of In Vitro Neuronal Differentiation. MOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY , v. 53, p. 6124-6135, 2016.21.RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; ZEIDÁN-CHULIÁ, FARES ; CAREGNATO, FERNANDA FREITAS ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; SERAFINI, MAIRIM RUSSO ; DE SOUZA ARAÚJO, ADRIANO ANTUNES ; QUINTANS-JUNIOR, LUCINDO JOSÉ ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . In Vitro Neuroprotective Effect of Shikimic Acid Against Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Oxidative Stress. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , v. 1, p. 1-10, 2015.22.SANTOS, JULIANA CÉLIA F. ; DE ARAÚJO, ORLANDO R. P. ; VALENTIM, IARA B. ; DE ANDRADE, KÍVIA QUEIROZ ; MOURA, FABIANA ANDRÉA ; SMANIOTTO, SALETE ; DOS SANTOS, JOHN MARQUES ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. ; GOULART, MARÍLIA O. F. . Choline and Cystine Deficient Diets in Animal Models with Hepatocellular Injury: Evaluation of Oxidative Stress and Expression of RAGE, TNF- α , and IL-1 β. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity , v. 2015, p. 1-11, 2015.23.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SENGER, MARIO ROBERTO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; DEGROSSOLI, ADRIANA ; DE SIMONE, SALVATORE GIOVANNI ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; DE SOUZA, CELESTE DA SILVA FREITAS ; CALABRESE, KÁTIA DA SILVA ; DAL-PIZZOL, FELIPE ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; SILVA-JR, FLORIANO PAES ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Increased tau phosphorylation and receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) in the brain of mice infected with Leishmania amazonensis. BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY , v. 43, p. 37-45, 2015.24.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; PETIZ, LYVIA LINTZMAIER ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; DE VARGAS, AMANDA RODRIGUES ; HENKIN, BERNARDO SALDANHA ; CHAVES, PALOMA RODRIGUES ; RONCATO, SABRINA ; MATTÉ, CRISTIANE ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Supplementation with vitamin A enhances oxidative stress in the lungs of rats submitted to aerobic exercise. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism , v. 40, p. 1253-1261, 2015.25.TONIN, ANELISE MIOTTI ; AMARAL, ALEXANDRE UMPIERREZ ; BUSANELLO, ESTELA NATACHA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. ; GREGERSEN, NIELS ; WAJNER, MOACIR . Mitochondrial bioenergetics deregulation caused by long-chain 3-hydroxy fatty acids accumulating in LCHAD and MTP deficiencies in rat brain: A possible role of mPTP opening as a pathomechanism in these disorders?. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease , v. 1842, p. 1658-1667, 2014.26.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; MORESCO, KARLA SUZANA ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; KLAFKE, KARINA ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; MORRONE, MAURILIO DA SILVA ; VIZZOTTO, MÁRCIA ; RASEIRA, MARIA DO CARMO BASSOLS ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Effects of different products of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) from a variety developed in southern Brazil on oxidative stress and inflammatory parameters in vitro and ex vivo. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition , v. 55, p. 110-119, 2014.27.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA ; PASQUALI, MATHEUS ; RAMOS, VITOR ; SIMOES-PIRES, ANDRE ; QUINTANS-JUNIOR, LUCINDO ; BRANCO, ALEXSANDRO ; MOREIRA, JOSE ; GELAIN, DANIEL . Hecogenin Acetate Inhibits Reactive Oxygen Species Production and Induces Cell Cycle Arrest and Senescence in the A549 Human Lung Cancer Cell Line. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry , v. 14, p. 1128-1135, 2014.28.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; BORTOLIN, RAFAEL CALIXTO ; GIRARDI, CAROLINA SAIBRO ; KUNZLER, ALICE ; RABELO, THALLITA KELLY ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; MORESCO, KARLA SUZANA ; BASSANI, VALQUIRIA LINCK ; YATSU, FRANCINI KIYONO JORGE ; VIZZOTTO, MÁRCIA ; RASEIRA, MARIA DO CARMO BASSOLS ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Preventive supplementation with fresh and preserved peach attenuates CCl4-induced oxidative stress, inflammation and tissue damage. JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY , v. 25, p. 1282-1295, 2014.29.GRINGS, MATEUS ; MOURA, ALANA P. ; AMARAL, ALEXANDRE U. ; PARMEGGIANI, BELISA ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C.F. ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. ; WYSE, ANGELA T.S. ; WAJNER, MOACIR ; LEIPNITZ, GUILHIAN . Sulfite disrupts brain mitochondrial energy homeostasis and induces mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening via thiol group modification. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE , v. 1842, p. 1413-1422, 2014.30.GRUNWALD, MARCELO SARTORI ; PIRES, ANDRÉ SIMÕES ; ZANOTTO-FILHO, ALFEU ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; DEMARTINI, DIOGO RIBEIRO ; SCHÖLER, CINTHIA MARIA ; DE BITTENCOURT, PAULO IVO HOMEM ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . The oxidation of HSP70 is associated with functional impairment and lack of stimulatory capacity. CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES , v. 19, p. 913-925, 2014.31.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; VASQUES, LAURA MILÁN ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; ALMEIDA, REINALDO NOBREGA ; BARBOSA-FILHO, JOSE MARIA ; FÁTIMA VANDERLEI DE SOUZA, MARIA ; GUTIERREZ, STANLEY JUAN CHAVEZ ; JÚNIOR, LUCINDO JOSÉ QUINTANS ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Effect of N-salicyloyltryptamine (STP), a novel tryptamine analogue, on parameters of cell viability, oxidative stress, and immunomodulation in RAW 264.7 macrophages. Cell Biology and Toxicology , v. 29, p. 175-187, 2013.32.DE OLIVEIRA, RAMATIS BIRNFELD ; SENGER, MARIO ROBERTO ; VASQUES, LAURA MILAN ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; DOS SANTOS, JOÃO PAULO ALMEIDA ; DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Moreira, José Claudio Fonseca ; SILVA, FLORIANO PAES ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens . Schistosoma mansoni infection causes oxidative stress and alters receptor for advanced glycation endproduct (RAGE) and tau levels in multiple organs in mice. International Journal for Parasitology , v. 43, p. 371-379, 2013.33.DA SILVA MORRONE, MAURILIO ; DE ASSIS, ADRIANO MARTIMBIANCO ; DA ROCHA, RICARDO FAGUNDES ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GAZOLA, ANDRESSA CÓRNEO ; COSTA, GEISON MODESTI ; ZUCOLOTTO, SILVANA MARIA ; CASTELLANOS, LEONARDO H. ; RAMOS, FREDDY A. ; SCHENKEL, ELOIR PAULO ; REGINATTO, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C.F. . Passiflora manicata (Juss.) aqueous leaf extract protects against reactive oxygen species and protein glycation in vitro and ex vivo models. Food and Chemical Toxicology , v. 60, p. 45-51, 2013.34.DA ROSA, M. S. ; SEMINOTTI, B. ; AMARAL, A. U. ; FERNANDES, C. G. ; GASPAROTTO, J. ; MOREIRA, J. C. F. ; GELAIN, D. P. ; WAJNER, M. ; LEIPNITZ, G. . Redox homeostasis is compromised in vivo by the metabolites accumulating in 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA lyase deficiency in rat cerebral cortex and liver. Free Radical Research , v. 47, p. 1066-1075, 2013.35.GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO; SOMENSI, NAUANA ; CAREGNATO, FERNANDA F. ; RABELO, THALLITA K. ; DABOIT, KÁTIA ; OLIVEIRA, MARCOS L.S. ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ C.F. ; GELAIN, DANIEL P. . Coal and tire burning mixtures containing ultrafine and nanoparticulate materials induce oxidative stress and inflammatory activation in macrophages. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , v. 463-464, p. 743-753, 2013.36.DE BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; ZEIDÁN-CHULIÁ, FARES ; PIRES, ANDRÉ SIMÕES ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; TERRA, SILVIA RESENDE ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . Vitamin A (retinol) downregulates the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts (RAGE) by oxidant-dependent activation of p38 MAPK and NF-kB in human lung cancer A549 cells. CELLULAR SIGNALLING , v. 1, p. 939-954, 2013.37.BITTENCOURT PASQUALI, MATHEUS AUGUSTO ; Oliveira, Marcos Roberto ; DE BASTIANI, MARCO ANTÔNIO ; Rocha, Ricardo Fagundes ; Schnorr, Carlos Eduardo ; GASPAROTTO, JUCIANO ; GELAIN, Daniel Pens ; MOREIRA, JOSÉ CLÁUDIO FONSECA . L-NAME co-treatment prevent oxidative damage in the lung of adult Wistar rats treated with vitamin A supplementation. Cell Biochemistry and Function , v. 30, p. 256-263, 2012.
    More Info.
    Hulya Cicek
    Medical Biochemistry
    Gaziantep University

    Research Interest: Her research interests are focused on clinical biochemistry, biochemical technics, molecular biology, functional medicine, genetics, cancer research, nutrition, vitamin D, cardiac biomarkers, urology, geriatrics, ophthalmology, neurologic diseases, dermatological biomarkers, obstetric and gynecology, and homocysteine.

    Biography: Dr. Çiçek received her medical degree from the Çukurova University School of Medicine in Adana/Turkey, 1991. She completed her Biochemistry and Clinical Biochemistry residency training in 2004 at the Gaziantep University in Gaziantep, Turkey. She has graduated with a Master of Science in Management and Organization in social sciences. She was an Assistant Professor of Medical Biochemistry at Gaziantep University between 2007-2013. She became an Associate Professor in February 2013. She is currently a Professor at the Department of Medical Biochemistry/Gaziantep University School of Medicine since 2019. She also conducts academic studies in various disciplines. She worked as a thesis supervisor at the master's graduate and doctoral levels of many students. In many international congresses, she served as the chairman of the congress, the chairman of the organizing committee, the scientific committee, the member of the organizing committee and the moderator. She is a member of editorial or reviewer boards of international eminent journals.

    List of Publications:

    1.    Yıldırım ÖA, Benlier N, Çiçek H, Gürbüz H, Orhan N, Sever ÖN, Yıldırım M. The role of high mobility group box protein-1 in bacterial sepsis. Acta Medica Nicomedia. 2022;5(1):27-31.
    2.    Gürbüz H, Zengin Y, Gündüz E, Durgun HM, Dursun R, İçer M, Üstündağ M, Orak M, Güloğlu C, Çiçek H. Evaluation of Blood and Blood Products Transfusions In Dicle University Faculty of Medicine Research Hospital Emergency Department. Euroasia Journal of Mathematics, Engineering, Natural & Medical Sciences. 2021;8(16):36-48.
    3.    Yılmaz N, Yıldırım M, Savaş HS, Çiçek H, Sever ÖN. The role of HMGB1 in gastrointestinal cancers. Archives of Medical Science-Civilization Diseases. 2021;6(1):1-7. doi:10.5114/amscd.2021.105385.
    4.    Kilic B, Cicek H, Mete AÖ, Ganidagli S, Ugur BK. Effects of Parenteral Glutamine Supplementation on Endocan Levels in Septic Patients. Eastern Journal of Medicine, 2021; 26(1): 157-164
    5.    Çiçek H, Alkarkhi LA, Gürbüz H, Erbağcı Z. Serum Cytokine Profiles in Patients with Psoriasis. Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 2021 May; 5(5):13-22.
    6.    Kaya Uğur B, Çiçek H, Kul S, Mete Ö, Yılmaz M. Effect of a novel extracorporeal cytokine apheresis method on endocan, copeptin And interleukin-6 levels in sepsis: An observational prospective study. Transfus Apher Sci. 2020 Dec;59(6):102919. doi: 10.1016/j.transci.2020.102919. Epub 2020 Aug 25. PMID: 32912735.
    7.    Benlier N, Solakhan M, Yıldırım Z, Kaya V, Yıldırım ÖA, Orhan N, Çiçek H, Yıldırım M. A novel diagnostic tool for the detection of bladder cancer: Measurement of urinary high mobility group box-1. Urol Oncol. 2020 Aug;38(8):685.e11-685.e16. doi: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2020.03.025. Epub 2020 Apr 17. PMID: 32312640.
    8.    Mendeş B, Karakuzulu M, Çiçek H, Elboğa U, Mendeş M. The Relationship Between Muscle Strength and Bone Mineral Density in Footballers. Turkiye Klinikleri J Sports Sci. 2020;12(2):120-8.
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